Sunday, July 24, 2011

This Really Happened To Me

They love it, & to give them pleasure is a pleasure for me, in fact, I have no satisfaction that compares to giving pleasure to a preferred human or canine, they respond so tangibly. Junior & LuLu  are so happy taking a long walk, being the facilitator of the doggie journey brings a reward I sometimes take for granted.

Junior & LuLu after their big adventure

A sublime summer morning, 70s, sunny a slight breeze, the 3 of us set off for some sunlight, sniffing & scenery. One of the perks of pedestrianism is discovering all of the disarming dwellings & plants in the neighborhood, details that are never noticed when driving an automobile.

I am challenged with the chance to wear the terriers down. We have been on a considerable course when I slyly lead the pack towards home. We made our way through the squirrel populated Kenton Park & cross at the intersection  catty corner from the post office & the beginning of the small business district. The 3 of us cross the intersection as an automobile slows, but does not stop at the sign, missing us by inches.

The Husband is unhappy that I have made a project of teaching the world the ways of good manners & proper etiquette, but this morning I have no self resistance to reminding a driver when the rules of driving decorum have been broken. I kicked the car as it passed. The delicate lady driver slams on the brakes, rolls down the window & declares: "What the fuck is your problem? You kicked my car!"

Stephen: "You have just failed high school drivers' ed. First, when there is a stop sign, one must stop, look to the right, left & right again, & with no obstacles, one may proceed. Slowly in a park zone or high pedestrian area."

Delicate Lady Driver: " You snuck up on me...  you were not at the corner when I looked! Who do you think you are? What the fuck is your problem? You kicked my car. There better not be damage!

Delicate lady Driver, puts her killer driving machine in park, & in the middle of the intersection, gets out to inspect the damage made by my summer yellow Jack Purcell sneakers. At the large white house at the intersection, a grandma has been watering her petunias, marigolds & tomatoes. She has been witness the the entire episode. We make eye contact, having chatted on occasion.

my weapon of choice

Grandma (remarks to me): "I really dislike it when the drivers don't stop, or when they almost mow down a person walking. It really gets me!"

The delicate lady driver demands that I approach her & her assaulted auto, but before I have a chance to taunt her once more, Grandma turns her potent power hose on the lady driver! I couldn't believe it was happening! A sweet senior blasts the bitch with water, soaking her, & scolding: " I really don't like when people don't stop for the people in the crosswalk. It really makes me mad!"

Stephen (to the Grandma): "Wow! I have never had someone defend my honor like that! Thank you! Thank you! You are my hero!"

Grandma: "Honey, she almost hit you & the puppies & then she was blaming you! She had it coming. My sister & I see you walking all the time & we call your doggies 'kibble & bits'... there goes that nice man & his darling 'kibble & bits'. I really got her good, huh? She will think twice the next time she stops at this intersection!"

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