Sunday, October 26, 2008


Gosh, the day has just disappeared in a snap, but still in a good way. It was a nice Mummy'n'Sandra and it feels like I am getting a lot of those, these days, haha. Sis went to her friend for a night with Singstar and partying? Me, however had a quiet and nice day with mum, LOL x). Wouldn't want to trade it, or perhaps a slightly bit of it just to get an oppurtunity to meet Tobias...He is like the drop dead gorgeous guy in my sister's class and oooohhhh, God he's hot! Hehehe...:P

Tomorrow I have decided to really have a study day. I mean like, fish most of my stuff so i don't have to do them all in the last minute. That is often what happens when you have one week's holiday like this, you postpone everything and all the sudden you realize that school starts tomorrow - and you panic - which is no good. So a study day for me is compulsory, but I will have my breaks, like to watch some One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl that I missed today, because of the dinner at Burger King...mmm, that Whopper was good, haha. =)

Yeay, going to crash in front of the TV soon and watch that movie, 40 Year Old Virgin to see if it really is as funny as everyone says. I think it kind of will though, considering my humour. Sandra laughs at almost everything. xD

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