Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Schola Cantorum, James Jordan conducting

The Schola Cantorum from Westminster Choir College presented a wonderful choral exploration of light and sound at Bon Air Presbyterian last night. Under the direction of Dr. James Jordan, this choir of sophomores, 110 strong, overwhelmed a room of choral music lovers' senses with energy and sound. As a Westminster grad, I was proud, inspired, and humbled to see and think of the impact that these musicians will have on their world in years to come.

Craig and Dan stayed with us in our home, and it was even more exciting to get to know two young WCCers.. I stick by my quote.. even at their young age, they do not know how much they know. The WCC experience is different from other conservatories in its community model. These gentlemen shared with Tracee and I about "critical pedagogy" as it is being taught by Frank Abrahams at WCC. Our Da Capo Way is built around this important cutting edge pedagogical theory, even though we didn't know it existed until last night. How exciting...!

Memories and thoughts that matter to me today..
1. I loved sharing the "dirt" about what is really going on with the WCC campus these days. The one thing I know for sure is that alumni get a filtered message.
2. Technology is a key part of these musicians lives. Our study at WCC did not have that element. I wonder what it means and how it will change things for the future. How can I use my technology skills and experience to influence and build on the Da Capo Way?
3. The idea that you can be a musician and have a life too, is still widely questioned.. Can it be done?
4. Musical fulfillment in the church is a difficult if not impossible task.
5. We as musicians learn from everyone. Students and masters alike.
6. People are people no matter their skill or ability. We all have value.
7. Juilliard has the perception of not teaching, but simply providing an arena in which the elite must learn to survive. Not sure about this one, but it was an interesting discussion.
8. Music is passion first! always.. discipline and application matter, but it stems from the heart and it connects people through our hearts.
9. Musical communities are out there, but they aren't always the norm. The story of how the churches in Raleigh combined forces to get a better hall, and support one another in sponsoring the choir's concert was inspiring. I sincerely hope that Da Capo can sponsor that sort of partnership between churches in the Richmond region... think of the possibilities, choirs working together, conductors collaborating rather than competing. There is only upside to the communities, but the congregations have to be convinced to take the risk and "collaborate".. when they don't admit that the even compete.. that is a big "elephant in the room"

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