Sunday, September 9, 2007


O, how I long for a time when churchgoers don't feel the need to judge others around them. Today, Tracee and I chose to sit out in the congregation with the kids so that we could see Josh be presented his First grade bible.. Almost everyone in choir understands this, or at least has the maturity to respect our decisions. But... not everyone does.

The looks, the smirks, the questioning. It is soooo typical, and this is from people that I love.. imagine what occurs from the people who don't even like us.

I am a mature musician, a mature Christian, an experienced parent, and I am not subject to the judgement of choir members on where I sit or what I do on Sunday morning. The accountability that I so often preach about, does not apply here. Somehow writing this actually makes me feel less irked by the whole thing.

Family trumps choir EVERY time both for the kids and for me. I will be sitting in the congregation at least once a month from now on so that I can enjoy worshipping with the kids and help to teach them what to do and how to act. They need to see their parents model appropriate behavior.

Inclusionary, exclusionary, judgement versus acceptance.. Things that make you go HMMMMM. I wonder what Jesus would say and do...

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