Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Friday!

...or Humpday for me! Oh shit, it's Thursday *sigh*. Ne'er mind! Hope all is well. I'm still just doing the grind (and NOT the good kind) at both restaurants. I love the night job because I meet so many interesting people from all over the world. Last night I met a couple from England who were looking for a summer home in the Black Hills, they were the politest people ever! After I took their order I made small talk with them and discovered their desire to live here, although, they aren't happy with Bush...but they don't plan on becoming citizens, so they're safe. After that I had a table with an Italian from Italy! O M G! Do you know how difficult it is to pour a glass of wine to a tall hunky Italian man who just keeps smiling at you because his English is "no so good"??? *sigh* I manage to suggest the Halibut and he was really happy with his meal, left a good tip and went on his magical way. THAT was the highlight of my night!!
Thanks to The Boy for these pics. I don't know if this dude is Italian or Spanish or Brazilian...but then...does it really matter???!! I think blogger is having problems again so you may need to "refresh".

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