Sunday, December 31, 2006


Clara said it all week. We made several attempts to see Happy feet at the theatres and finally succeeded at the IMAX yesterday. The movie was full of energy and life. The IMAX experience was amazing... as it always is. One thing jumped out at me. The fundamentalist, religious themes and the way the "elders" and the "old guard" utterly rejected the newcomers' ideas with no consideration. I know I am pushing it to look deeply into a family cartoon but I think the religious theme was there along with the "save the earth" undercurrent of the entire flick.

Strangely, watching this film reopened wounds created by Branch's baptist's "group of elders" 2 years ago now. The ideas of inclusion versus exclusion cut deeply then and remain in my heart now. Tolerance, compassion and the battle between a desire to seek new ways or entrench in the old are central to everything I do now. Even Alyssa, somehow made the subliminal connection to Branch's from this movie. There was something about the connection to singing, our "heart songs" and music being a unifying force that struck home for all of us. She asked about returning their to worship and see friends on the way home. I am not ready to do that yet, but perhaps soon.

This was a good family film, entertaining and thought provoking. The polyvalent story was beautiful and thought provoking. Ultimately, the look on Clara's face as she said Happeeee when she saw the poster as we left... made it worthwhile all around. I do wish it was easier to sustain the Happeee emotions.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam has been executed...

...I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, I don't believe that is our decision to make. I think it's arrogant...but then I read about what he has done and it's kind of hard not to think he got what he deserved...but there is a difference between Justice and I've been told.
It's finally done though...
finally...for the thousands that lost their lives under his regime...I hope their families feel least relieved. Now lets get our troops out of there!
;-) peace

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dieux Du Stade 2005

Hmm..this may be considered a classic. ;-) I like posting videos 'cause I don't have to write much (like you all wanna hear me anyways!) I just post something hot...and I'm through and I appease the guilt I feel about not updating my blog that often! LOL
enjoy... ;-) peace

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Dear Blogger Friends and Blogger Readers...I hope each and everyone of you have a great Holiday and all your wishes come true! Thank you for stopping by my lil blog and checking it out and thank you for the emails I've received also. As we head into a new year, I want to say I have great and exciting things in store for this blog...but if you've been know I'm just to damn lazy!! Have a great one!!
;-) peace

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Work Life Balance ;)

This past week or so was among the hardest and most rewarding weeks I remember in my life. I am physically and mentally exhausted, but I am proud of every moment. I shouldn't have been able to get through it, but I believe as I have many times in the past years that I was sustained by the Holy Spirit.

Things I want to remember someday
Christmas cantata at HRBC.. didn't love it, learned it, and the living part was beautiful.. as the drama connected with ours and the Hulin's life directly On Tuesday night in Lasker, Kathy read the beautiful testimony of Laurie's and we lived out the some of the story as it was presented in the cantata.

Natale 2006 was overwhelming emotionally, as Bel canto came together to sing beautifully for our first real concert. The simple elegant reading of Matt and Dana on the Weems poetry touched my soul.

Three kings there are come riding from afar.. from Navidad Nuestra is a powerful song that stays in my head. the infant wakes and when he smiles, I see the sun light the skies.

Riding the road, burning up 95, between DC to Richmond, to NC, do it all again tomorrow

Charles' elegant presentation of the simple arrangements of Christmas carol.

Kathy's horn line from the Bruington concert on the Schubert Mille Cherubini

The stunning color of Tracee's voice at the end of Christmas Song, and the spirit and joy in the "swing" section when she and Charles connected with the audience.

VoIP and all that it entails, from dealing with the senior execs to the "manipulation" of customer experience. A more politically correct word is management, but it felt like I was being manipulated, and doing quite a bit of my own. Only two roles in life: a player, or being played

WorkLife balance and the concept of working at Cap1 so that I can do the other things in the world which sustain me.

Actually singing at the Woodland Hts concert through some sort of superhuman, out of body experience. I should have cancelled, but my pride and ego got in the way and somehow my voice held out. I think it mattered to the attendees and I know it mattered to me. Thank you God, for helping me through it.

Understanding and "finding" my limits, physically, vocally, emotionally. I know now, what I can and cannot handle. I am sustained by my communities, family and faith.

The Open door Life group lunch at Ruby Tuesdays where we took over the smoking section for a great time of fellowship together.. 36+ people all in one place, at one time because we chose to spend time together.. It was awesome...

I LOVE making music with the Hulins!!!!!

Perspective is the key to getting through the day.

From Isaiah 40 The Message
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. He energizes those who get tired,gives fresh strength to dropouts. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Thursday...'s freezing here in Sactown and it's cold as heck! Then again, praise be the beer gods I'm not in Denver!! So to warm things up...another video from Dieux Du Stade! ;-) peace

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trans Siberian Orchestra X-mas Lights

I *love* this video...I had it as an attachment last year...and found it on youtube this year (of course) so here it is! Happy Holidays!
;-) peace

Monday, December 18, 2006

Now this is true...

..what I wanted to say, but Kendall put it in to the words that realy hits the nail on the head!

"What Will It Take....

Before I begin let me just say, I know I am going to sound like someone's mother when I write this, but oh well, someone needs to say it. Also let me say these are MY thoughts and opinions, if any information is not correct in the writing I apologize but I am just going on what I have seen.

What has happened to the young entertainment culture?

I grew up in the 70's and 80's. I had a crush on Kristy McNichol (isn't there something freudian in that?) streaking and pot was about as bad as it got. We drank Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill like it was water and when we wanted to go ghetto we would drink Miller Lite Ponys.

Today it is a whole different world and sadly not a better world.
Four of the most popular women in the celebrity culture have proven to be skank whores with little to no redeemable qualities. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie."

See the rest of the article here!
scroll down, you'll find's good and it's REAL!

It's all about the Eyes...

...happy Monday all. Another week starts, bringing us closer to the end of the year. Anybody with any resolutions? I have none, I'm pretty much close to perfect... so it's hard for me! lol, not! It's been a long year for me, living in two states and working two very different jobs, I'm still "adjusting" in a way. Everything happens in three's so I'm waiting for another Colorado church leader to come out...that would be a great way to end the year! Although I'd be jealous as hell if he slept with a guy with Eyes like these!
;-) peace

Friday, December 15, 2006


This week took forever to end and now that it did, I'm grateful. Well my Friday night consists of DVD's and the dog and cat laying at my feet. I hope everyone had a good week and an even better weekend. Here is another Dieux Du Stade video (NSFW) enjoy! ;-) peace

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I love Goofyblog...

...I do, Porter Venn has the best of the wacky and the goofy! You don't have to search the ''s all right there for you. One of his latest posts...SOY makes you gay!! oh lawd...will they never stop? check out Goofyblog and read about the "rightwing nut jobs" it's great! ;-) peace

This is just not right... has to be a sin to be this beautiful!! To see more "revealing" pics go to Bent and see more, oh and yes... I will have a "It's all about the eyes" session of him soon....gorgeous. You look and your breath literally goes away...! BTW he's cuban and his name is William Levy...or Apollo...Narcissus...whatever! (as usual click for larger pics)
;-) peace

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tis the season...

...Christmas is almost here and I'm so not prepared, and so behind in bills I may not even reach being prepared! In any case, it'll be my first Christmas with family in a long time, last year I my office at S. Dakota, so this year should be better.
Some more hot men from French Rugby...actually...French Athletes (like we care) :-) peace

Dieux Du Stade NSFW(I normally don't do NSFW stuff, but these are really good...without being nasty...I think anyways)

Saturday, December 9, 2006

More Dieux du Stade

...ah yes, some more videos from the gorgeous men of Rugby...en Francais! ;-) peace

(may not be NSFW)

p.s. stay tuned... there will be more :)

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Christmas time is here again...

..I'm actually kind of in the mood. Usually I could care less, but I'm all into decorating and putting up lights n shit! Last year I studied on Thanksgiving and was by myself for Christmas (insert this year it's cool to have a roomie who is into the season also. Next year, who knows...I may be celebrating in Denver with snow! :-) peace
p.s. I'm not sure about the "new" blogger, I can't control how my photos are laid out...ok let me rephrase...I don't know "how" to control the layout of my photos... :D

Monday, December 4, 2006


OMG! How good was the episode tonight? Sorry I don't do recaps...but I can't wait for next year!!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Superman Returns

I'm watching it now, wow, Brandon Routh is hot!! I won't say I'm a big Superman fan..but I have seen all the movies...tonight I noticed...isn't there something very sweet about Superman? He's very sweet...and honest...and protective. I'm halfway through the movie now...have to go finish it, so far, so good!
;-) peace

Saturday, December 2, 2006

It's All About The Eyes

So I went and saw Kathy Griffin last night! That bitch made me laugh my ass off!! I never laughed so hard. I totally recommend seeing her live if possible! Now...some pretty eyes for ya.. ;-) peace...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Secret Santa?

The Gay Guru is thinking blogger friends can do a Secret Santa for x-mas....I'm all for it!!
;-) peace

Sometimes I'm to real... this Sat. nite bad??

Saturday Night Conversation
Aim : I feel so much on my shoulders right now - possibly not having a job, bills, men, feeling of no direction

Leonard : that's called life sweetie. Job, if you lose it, you find another one and no bitching about a paycut, just be lucky you can find one. Bills, you will have them the rest of your's the American way, especially if you keep buying yourself "i'm losing my job so I need..." clothing. Boys suck, throw rocks at them. No direction, in time you'll find what it is your supposed to be or do just go with the flow.

Aim : I hate it when you dont show up for my pity party

Leonard : please, wait until you catch your first cold of the season...

Aim : eww - that's not even close to being true

Leonard : sorry, I'm looking at famous nude celebrities right now...I have my priorities.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Making of Dieux Du Stade 2007

Finally the "Making of" video has been posted!! They show even more gorgeous rugby playing skin. ;-) peace

Friday, November 24, 2006


All right, I am trying to post an image, which I don't know how to do because I am lame. I did this for a zine that my friend Paul Nudd put together. So let's see if this works:

Hey, how 'bout that? Soon the world...will be mine! Ha ha ha!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

This is a recent sketchbook drawing done after a strange night performing with:

Beware the skulls that glow bright green!

Alright, here's my bit. I'm Aeron Alfrey, I make comics, paintings, drawings and digital collages. I went to the Herron School of Art in Indianapolis until the end of my junior year. I focused on painting, art history and print making. I had a serious problem with the art school scene as I despise a lot of the non figurative abstract (drip painting) junk that is so highly regarded there. But I do miss having a giant painting studio where you're surrounded by dozens of unique artist spaces and all the weird sketches and paintings everyone would have scattered in their work zones.

As of now I'm working on a book titled "Hob Bob" which is going to be between 600 - 1,000 pages. The story concerns a magician named "Hob" who is framed for murder by his evil twin magician/wizard brother "Zob Bob" who has him executed in order to steal a strange collection of eggs that he transforms into a horde of monsters to destroy the world. Hob is decapitated and his body escapes into the wilderness. The book revolves around the weird adventures Hob's decapitated body, his head and Zob Bob get into. While I'm keeping the story simple and without words, it's more an excuse to show off an incredibly detailed fantasy world and all the strange inhabitants that exist in it. This sketch shows Hob's headless body wandering over a rock formation as a tribe of creatures that resemble giant paint brushes pass along the ground below.
I have another book project titled "The Land Of The Moth" which is entirely made of digital collages. Some of the heavier influences are Joel Peter Witkin's photography, the writings of Lewis Carrol and the digital works of Alessandro Bavari. It's to be a sort of dark fairy tale for adults made up of large black and white digital illustrations. It's a fantasy world focused on death/horror and the fantastic. You can see some older examples here.

Those are my two favorite projects that mean the most to me. Beyond those I have dozens of other smaller projects. I'm doing a book of 1,000 monsters that has been really fun. I've got some drawing and painting series that I'm planning out. One series will be the architectural insides of surreal haunted houses. I did drawings like this as a child, none of which I still have. As an example of my obsession with the strange and monstrous, click here here and here to see drawings I made somewhere around the age of 7 or 8.

Anyway, I love horror films. I've watched Return Of The Living Dead at least 50 times. I have somewhere around 1,200 horror films either on dvd, tape or downloaded copies of. Check out Tracker 3, really good collection of weird movies for download on there.
Fiend Wihout A Face is but one of the awesome movies on there. I'm a huge fan of unusual animation. Fantastic Planet is one of my favorite films. I love about anything that's stop motion. I dig videogames but have a difficult time staying focused on them. I think that "Shadow Of The Colossus"is the greatest work of art of the last year. I have a weird approach to games, as an example I recently picked up a two dollar trial for World of Warcraft just so that I can roam around the weird dungeons to take screenshots for reference material in my comics.

I love fantastic art but regret that certain types of artists that consider themselves "visionary" have polluted the scene. Photoshop filters that discolor your hair doesn't make your work "fantastic"!! I love fantasy art but hate the way it's infected with thousands of horrible artists obsessed with painting lord of the rings fan art, generic unicorns and dragons. I try to extract some of the best art of the fantastic and creature ridden in my art blog "Monster Brains".

As far as music, I listen to thousands of bands. I'm mostly into electronic, indie rock, 80's and soundtracks. I'm a big fan of Sigur Ros, The Knife, Broadcast, The Flaming Lips, Boards of Canada, Wendy Carlos, David Bowie, Electric Light Orchestra.

Check this track out by Joakim, good example of what I like in music, electronics and rock.

That's about it from me, here's a pic of my intoxicated mug. I'm the dude in the middle sportin the "city of lost children" tshirt.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy T Day~!

My bro is down from Oregon and my other bro will be at my moms. Not sure about my cracked out sister, but I hope she is well and yes, I will at least call and wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. I get to see my babies tomorrow (Raymond and Lakota, nephew and niece) so I'm excited about that. I beat people down tonight to get a copy of CARS so we can watch it together, hey, ya do wacha gotta! ;-) hope everyone has a great Holiday however you spend it. Eat lots, we have a good excuse to stuff ourselves for the next few weeks. ;-) peace
p.s. and because it's a KNOW who you get today. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving Joseph Sayers!

Bio-Graphism---- LP

Following Noahs' lead, I thought I'd provide an introduction of sorts.
I am the one who cobbled all of us together, so some of this may be redundant. However, I know some of you more than others.

- My last name is spelled PRZYBYLSKI. It is pronounced SHA-Bil-Ski, believe it or not. It's a common name among American Poles, specifically in the Milwuakee, where my parents grew up.

- I've been interested in comics and art for forever. I decided long ago that I'd dedicate myself to being a part of that world in some form. Though I do draw and make comics, I'm not sure that's what I'll end up doing- I am not as good at it as I should be ( or anyone should be if they want to be published in some form) . I have an interest in writing fiction, screenplays, criticism and all that.
As you can glean, the whole comics/art thing is a constant source of confusion for me. I tend to change directions mid-stream; One day I'll decide I should dedicate myself to a realistic, classic drawing style and the next I've vowed never to make a representational drawing again. I envy those who seem to have a "natural", or unquestioned direction in art and comics.
I've been published in ONE fanzine.
I've made my own zines twice now, but only made a few copies. Most have been destroyed.

-this is one my best drawings, in my opinion.

-I'm 28 and just last week discovered the first grey hair on my head.

-I've lived with the same girlfriend for 5 years now, mostly in Mineapolis/St. Paul, save a year in Chicago, where I came very close to attempting to burn the entire city down.

-I'm an unrepentant fan of METAL; Death Metal, Black Metal, Classic, thrash, etc.Have been since I was 12. My favorite Metal band of all time is The Mighty VOIVOD.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- I took a few college classes, but found the whole thing stifling. I have a deep-seated distrust for academics and whatever institution I've ever known.

-As such, I've worked a series of shitty jobs for my entire adult life. Mostly cooking in restaraunts. I spent some time in a great comics shop in MInneapolis and worked at the Art Institute of Chicago for a few months, where I decided Post-Modernism and the vast majority of Modern Art are complete scams and have nothing on pretty much everything pre-modern.

-Me hating modernism on paper..

- I used to tour with a friends' band. I was the 'merch' guy. It was fun, but I never have to go to another indie-rock show for the rest of my life.

-I'm interested in drawing phantastic material, but have very catholic tastes in what I read, watch and listen to.

-I'm a huge fan of Kenneth Smith. and spend a great deal of on-line time participating in his email-network.

- My favorite film is Mike Lieghs' NAKED. That and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

-I'm a huge fan of Alex Jones and his Prison Planet sites. I'm planning on doing a series of posts that are related to what is called "conspiracy" subjects.

That's that.
Oh, and please, don't make me look like an ass by not doing something similar yourselves..