When doing research for my posts, I am always struck by the cruelty, hatefulness & challenges that were/are foisted on minority artists & performers in the past century. That their work should be adored & rewarded, but the artist would still need to enter a theatre or hotel by the back door. That these amazing performers persevered & gave us so much is a testament to the power of art.
Ethel Waters rose from stardom from a most-obscure beginning, a whore's alley in Philadelphia where she lived in poverty with her mother and grandmother. She faced unspeakable racism during her rise to fame. Ethel Waters was born on October 31, 1896, as a result of her mother's rape at age 13, Ethel Waters was raised in a violent, impoverished home. She never lived in the same place for more than 15 months. Waters: "I never was a child. I never was cuddled, or liked, or understood by my family." Despite this unpromising start, Waters demonstrated early the love of language that so distinguishes her work. Waters' birth in the North and her vagabond life exposed her to many culture, & gave to her interpretation of southern blues a unique sensibility that pulled in eclectic influences from across all American music. Ethel Waters: singer, dancer, actress, & evangelist, never be confined to a single identity. As a singer, she played with styles, doing what was called- “race music” & doing white standards.
Waters married at the age of 13, but soon left her abusive husband & became a maid in a Philadelphia hotel working for less than $5 a week. On her birthday- Halloween night 1913, she attended a party in costume at a nightclub in Philadelphia. She was persuaded to sing 2 songs, & impressed the audience so much that she was offered professional work at the Lincoln Theatre in Baltimore. She later recalled that she earned $10 a week, but her managers cheated her out of the tips her admirers threw on the stage.
She was a street kid whose highest aspiration was to be a lady's maid. Instead, she found herself in vaudeville. As an actress, in films like The Member of the Wedding, Waters gave the “mammy” roles real edge & depth. Her life was as varied as her singing. She was a Catholic who could swear like a sailor. She was a lesbian whose loud fights with her lovers made more proper lesbians like Alberta Hunter label her a disgrace to their tribe. She joined Billy Graham & toured the country. Her signature song had been Stormy Weather, but once she joined the Graham crusade, she never sang it again. Waters: “My life ain't stormy no more”, which was good for her & bad for her fans. Her best known recording was her version of the spiritual- His Eye is on the Sparrow.
In 1933, Waters made a satirical all-black film entitled Rufus Jones for President. She went on to star at the Cotton Club, where she sang Stormy Weather. Waters: “I sang it from the depths of the private hell in which I was being crushed & suffocated." She took a role in the Broadway musical revue As Thousands Cheer in 1933, where she was the first black woman to appear in an otherwise all white show. In addition to the show, she starred in a national radio program & continued to work in nightclubs. She was the highest paid performer on Broadway, but she was starting to age. MGM hired Lena Horne as the ingénue in the all-Black musical- Cabin in the Sky, & Waters reprised Petunia, her stage role. The film, directed by Vincente Minnelli, was a success, but Waters was offended by the attention given to Horne, & she was feeling her age.
She was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1949 for Pinky. In 1950, she won the NY Drama Critics Award for her performance opposite Julie Harris in the play- The Member of the Wedding. Waters & Harris repeated their roles in the 1952 film version. In 1950, Waters starred in the TV series- Beulah but quit after complaining that the scripts' portrayal of African-Americans was degrading.
Waters was the second African American ever nominated for an Academy Award. She was voted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998. Waters' recording of Stormy Weather was honored by the Library of Congress. It was listed in the National Recording Registry in 2004. Waters was approved for a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004. However, the actual Star has not been funded, & as of her birthday in 2010, public fundraising efforts continue.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Nice Sunday
After 11 hours of sleep, the day couldn’t have started better. Overall, this Sunday has been pretty nice actually. Sleeping half the day. Putting some effort into reducing my pile of homework. Facebook-ing (we addicts can’t get enough ^^). Going down to town to celebrate mum’s belated birthday with a good dinner. Getting home to watch Gossip Girl…
And the best part - no school tomorrow! :D
And the best part - no school tomorrow! :D
Happy Halloween
Hey Guys, Just wanted to pop in and wish you guys a Happy Halloween. Are you guys doing anything to celebrate the holiday? Last night I went to a nice little gathering held by my friend Sonya. She made a delicious spread of appetizers...
Lots of goodness...caramel apples, spiced pecans, pesto dip, chips & salsa, sausage balls and a bacon/pumpkin dip made by my friend Bunny. I made a pumpkin cake(no picture-dang it) and swamp water...
This ugliness is actually quite tasty. I found the recipe online and decided to try it because it was very festive and easy to make. You just mix 7 cups of orange juice with pulp, 750ml of vodka & 3/4 of a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper(I used diet). Sounds disgusting but it was GREAT!. I filled a latex glove with water and froze it to make the ice. Very Martha, don't ya think?
Ooops, some of the fingers came off. hehe! That's me and Sonya having a little fun with ice.
And because It's Halloween. I had to leave you with this...
Michael Jackson's
Happy Halloween!
Bob Out
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fim de semana: cuide de você e dos seus cosméticos!
O fim de semana está aí e nada melhor que usar um dia de folga para ficar bonita.
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
Fim de semana: cuide de você e dos seus cosméticos!
O fim de semana está aí e nada melhor que usar um dia de folga para ficar bonita.
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
Dar uma arrumada nos cabelos, fazer as unhas, usar aquela máscara facial esquecida no fundo do armário, vestir uma roupa legal e fazer uma bela maquiagem.
E quer satisfação maior que cuidar de você e, ao mesmo tempo organizar as suas coisas? Impossível? Não é não! Quer ver só:
Antes de arrumar os cabelos, limpe os pentes, escovas e chapinha. Já falei sobre isso aqui e aqui.
Depois, separe seus cosméticos e maquinagens. Confira as datas de validade, olhe tudo, um por um e jogue fora o que está vencido.
Depois de separar pegue um pacote de lencinho humedecido (aqueles de limpar bumbum de bebê) e tire todo o pó que tiver na embalagem. Quando acabar de limpar coloque os produtos em duas caixas com tampa, para manter tudo protegido da umidade.
Lembre-se de lavar também os pincéis de maquiagem. É só colocá-los em um copo com água morna com umas gotinhas de sabonete neutro (e se quiser um pouquinho de condicionador neutro também). Deixe secar ou no sol ou com secador de cabelo, e só guarde quando estiver tudo bem sequinho.
Dê uma olhada nas lixas e pedra pomes, se estiverem em situação de miséria o melhor é jogar fora, caso contrário lave bem com água morna tirando todos os resíduos que possam estar lá. Se tiver tesourinha e alicate de unha dê uma checada no estado deles. Esterilize tudo em água fervente por 10 minutos, para eliminar qualquer bactéria que possa estar ali.
Aproveite o momento Amélia e passe um creme nas mãos (e coloque por cima uma luva) e uma máscara no cabelo (com touca).
Depois de tudo limpinho, já é hora de tirar a máscara do cabelo. Então, tome um belo banho, se arrume e pegue o maridão, namorado, ficante, e vá dar uma volta!
Bom feriado!
In Memory Of Ruth Gordon... From Harold & Maude
Maude, played by Gordon, is in her late 70s & befriends a wealthy, suicidal young man (They meet as onlookers at a funeral). Here they walk among flowers at a nursery:
MAUDE: They grow and bloom, and fade, and die, and some change into something else. Ah, life! I should like to change into a sunflower most of all. They are so tall and simple. And you, Harold, what flower would you like to be?
HAROLD: I don’t know. Just one of those. (He gestures toward a field of daisies)
M: Why do you say that?
H: Because they are all the same.
M: Oooh, but they are not. Look. (They bend down together.) See - some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have some petals missing - all kinds of observable differences, and we haven’t even touched the bio-chemical. You see, Harold, they’re like the Japanese. At first you think they all look alike, but after you get to know them you see there is not a repeat in the bunch. Each person is different, never existed before and never to exist again. Just like this daisy - (she picks it) - an individual.
H: Well, we may be individuals all right but- we have to grow up together.
M: Yes, that’s very true. Still I believe much of the world’s sorrow comes from people who know they are this (she holds the daisy) - yet let themselves be treated (she looks out at the field) - as that.
Born On This Day- October 30th... Post Apocalyptic Muse Ruth Gordon
She has been such a major part of my life for so long, it is hard for me to remember a time when she was not busy being my muse. A quote from Ruth Gordon- “Never Face The Facts” has been my motto for much of my life. Her point was, if she had owned up to the fact that she was 5’1’’, not really pretty & that her drama teachers said she had no talent… well, she would never have become Ruth Gordon. I treasure & have read & re-read her 3 volumes of memoirs- Myself Among Others, My Side: The Autobiography Of Ruth Gordon, & Ruth Gordon- An Open Book. I know it started for me with with Inside Daisy Clover, a film that had a very real impact on me at an early age. My adoration for her was cemented with her Oscar winning performance in Rosemary’s Baby. & then Harold & Maude became the most important movie of my youth. I had a friend who was in Harold & Maude as an actor & another friend who was the set decorator on the film. I had heard all these stories about it during the filming, but I was unprepared for how much I would fall in love with this little movie that went on to be a cult favorite.
My life motto, from Ruth Gordon, was posted on a wall of our cottage in Seattle by the husband.
The daughter of a former ship captain, Ruth Gordon knew what she wanted to do with her life after witnessing a performance by stage actress Hazel Dawn in Boston. Over the initial objections of her father, Gordon decided upon a stage career, studying at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. She made her debut in Peter Pan with Maude Adams: "Ruth Gordon was ever so gay as Nibs," wrote influential critic Alexander Woollcott, who became a valued & powerful friend to Gordon, & did what he could to encourage her & promote her career. With such stage hits as Seventeen, Serena Blandish, & Ethan Frome, Gordon was one of Broadway's biggest stars of the 1920s & 30s; privately, however, her life was put into shambles by the premature death of her first husband- actor Gregory Kelly. She was the toast of the West End in London during her successful run in The Country Wife. She created the role of Dolly Levi in Thornton Wilder’s The Matchmaker (1956), a role written for her, & the basis of the musical- Hello, Dolly!. She remarried in 1942 to the brilliant playwright Garson Kanin, 16 years younger than her. It was a union that lasted more than 4 decades.
Combining stage work with appearances in such films as Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940) , Gordon began to collaborate with Kanin on writing projects, with such delightful results as the Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn comedies Adam's Rib (1949) & Pat and Mike (1952), as well as the Judy Holliday vehicle- The Marrying Kind (1952). Gordon returned to the cameras for Inside Daisy Clover in 1966, before taking on role of an elderly neighbor in Rosemary's Baby (1968). When receiving an Oscar for her performance, the 72 year old Gordon brought down the house by saying, "You have no idea how encouraging a thing like this can be." Gordon was unforgettable in 2 films from my high school years: Where's Poppa? (1970), in which she played the obscenely senile mother of George Segal, & of course, Harold & Maude (1972), as the freewheeling soul mate of a death obsessed teen, played Bud Cort, who remained her lifelong friend in real life. The story of her early life was made into a film- The Actress, directed by George Cukor, with a screenplay by Ruth Gordon. She was portrayed by Jean Simmons & Spencer Tracy played her father. She was born 115 years ago today.
busy - tragedic day
lately i have many homework and assignments
i'm really really busy so i can't update my blog
i can only online facebook or my twitter from my blackberry * wanna my BBM pin? :p
i seldom online from my pc
but now, it's weekend! let's finish it all
yea, tsunami
at 26th of october 2010 there are many disaster that hit my lovely country, INDONESIA♥
they are:
- tsunami at mentawai, west sumatra
- mt merapi eruption at central java
how pathetic
those disaster caused many victims
they loss their family, their precious things, and many more
i feel so sad :(
almost all of my contacts in my bbm changed their display picture with "PRAY FOR INDONESIA" pic.
i also changed my display picture with that pic
beside that, i received many broadcast messages that told me about the signs of doomsday that have happened in indonesia lately
they said that almost all of the big disaster that hit indonesia happen at 26th
like tsunami in aceh, happened in 26th of december 2004 (?) * i forgot =p
and the two new disaster that happened in 26th of october 2010
i think that disasters happen just because the irony of fate
some people said that 26 is the unlucky number, because if you divide it with 2 it will be 13, the most popular unlucky number
beside that, some people said that in Haggai 2:6 there's about the doomsday
but when i read it, it's not in Haggai 2:6 , but it's in Haggai 2:7
ckckck, i don't know what are they thinking about
just making sensation maybe?
nobody knows, haha
huh, lately i'm super duper busy!
i have many homework and assignments
i can't imagine it!
why teacher loves to give their students many homework and assignments?!
i still can't get it
do they think about their students? about their student's health?
and one thing ..
some teacher always thinks that their students must only study and do their subject!
do they think that students have MANY assignments, homework, or even exam?!
not just your subject, teacher!
all of the subject, we must study about it and we're tired enough of it
ok, this is the list of my assignments and homework :
see?! and look! some of them even still don't have check mark. ckckck
i'm to tired for doing it all
tonight, i want to do the indonesian language assignment, change the lyrics of a song
i use Common Denominator for the song and the theme is about friendship
this all stupid things make me stressed!
especially, the deadline
OMG, i hate it
i hope that teacher can understand their students MORE
Amen ..
i have many homework and assignments
i can't imagine it!
why teacher loves to give their students many homework and assignments?!
i still can't get it
do they think about their students? about their student's health?
and one thing ..
some teacher always thinks that their students must only study and do their subject!
do they think that students have MANY assignments, homework, or even exam?!
not just your subject, teacher!
all of the subject, we must study about it and we're tired enough of it
ok, this is the list of my assignments and homework :
- math assignment [ making a diagram from real data ] ☑
- indonesian language assignment part 1 [ determine the fact and the opinion from an advertisement ] ☑
- indonesia language assignment part 2 [ find event for speaking test ] ☐
- geography assignment [ social and cultural changes ] ☑
- biology homework [ do the essay problem ] ☐
- indonesian language assignment [ change the lyrics of a song for exam * group ] ☐
- art [ decorate book holder * group ] ☐ see?! and look! some of them even still don't have check mark. ckckck
i'm to tired for doing it all
tonight, i want to do the indonesian language assignment, change the lyrics of a song
i use Common Denominator for the song and the theme is about friendship
this all stupid things make me stressed!
especially, the deadline
OMG, i hate it
i hope that teacher can understand their students MORE
Amen ..
Friday, October 29, 2010
Reflections On Dominick Dunne On His Birthday
I posted about him on the day of his death in the summer of 2009. It was ironic that he died on the very day as his enemy- Edward Kennedy. I was such a big fan of his column in Vanity Fair. I would just eat it up each month.
As I am thinking about Dominick Dunne on the day of his birth, I am reflecting on the similarities between Dominick Dunne & Truman Capote, one of my life long favorite writers. Both wrote about low acts in high society & they both craved celebrity. Capote labeled his later work- the Nonfiction Novel, & Dunne just called his books novels. Capote spent his last years doing very little writing, addicted to drugs & alcohol, appearing incoherent in public & on talk shows. Dunne was on the same track, but later in life he was sober, clear, & productive, but he was in the closet. Dunne probably wanted the literary attention that Capote received in his career, yet he outsold his writer family: brother John Gregory Dunne & sister-in-law Joan Didion. He must have been disappointed that he never entered the pantheon of literature. At the same time, he didn’t seem bitter. He was inside the fish bowl & yet always remained an outsider.
Capote’s society women rejected him after he published the roman e clef- Answered Prayers. Dunne continued to move in the world he wrote about despite an occasional snub. He did have enemies: the Kennedys, the Safras, & most famously- Congressman Condit. Dunne could get careless with facts, as Capote did, but most readers knew he was telling a larger truth; When you get to the top of society, there isn’t all that much there. This is the deeper secret Capote didn’t see.
I recently watched- After the Party in the Sundance Channel, which chronicles Dunne’s life. Listening to him talk, he seemed obviously gay. Earlier in his career, he was a television & film producer, & was the executive producer of the film version of Boys in the Band. Maybe those bitter queens spoke a truth to him that also drove him deeper into the closet. The documentary & his nonfiction writings make it clear that he cared deeply about his children & his former wife. It seems easy to dismiss a man torn like that, it seemed to be the way most people in Hollywood in the 1950s & 1960s handled such matters- “Oh, he just got married to cover up”, But, in a clever move, Dunne used his last novel to come out when his main character/alter ego reveals that he is gay.
His readers can only know a little bit about Dunne & his sexuality. In his interview with George Stephanopolous, Dominick’s son- Griffin Dunne, uses the terms gay & bisexual to describe his father. A few months before his death, Dominick told the London Times: “I am a celibate closeted bisexual.” It seems tragic when somebody has to deceive & experience shame for most of their life. To live in constant deception & shame distorts your life. Yet Capote, who was out of the closet most of his life, was full of self-loathing & in his last years, he led a miserable existence. Dunne, who speaks about his father mistreating him as a child for being a sissy, stayed in the closet his entire adult life. After success in Hollywood, he also became addicted to drugs & alcohol, but then found sobriety in rural Oregon of all places. He lived a life that he was drawn to & repelled by. For both authors, the shame of sexuality, open or not, propelled the men into a furious chase for recognition, celebrity & acceptance.
If society had been accepting of homosexuality, would both writers have never become successful writers? Was being an outsider what that made them?
It is a fitting irony for Dunne, since so much of his literary career was a reflection of a response to, the life of Truman Capote. The similarities are striking: Dunne's most famous novel The Two Mrs. Grenvilles was based on the notorious Woodward murder scandal that Capote had referred to in his novel Answered Prayers. It was the gossip & innuendo in an excerpt from it in Esquire- La Cote Basque, that got Capote shunned by his celibrity friends & started his decline.
Capote was dropped by his adored society women friends, having allegedly stabbed them in the back by exposing their deepest secrets. Capote career was killed. He never finished the novel. But Dominick Dunne, in a way, did. He wrote the The Two Mrs.Grenvilles novel that picked up where Capote left off. Dunne did it with panache, with a story of high society intrigue, sexual obsession, greed & murder. In The Two Mrs. Grenvilles, which was made a rather good TV movie starring Claudette Colbert & Ann Margret, Dunne paid homage to Capote by creating a narrator named Basil Plant who was more than just a little the author of In Cold Blood. Dunne was also similar to that character. He was the man on the outside looking in, absorbing, documenting, & chronicling. He was the secret sharer. The man everyone trusted.
Dunne's parallels to Capote were not just on the literary scene. Dominick Dunne craved the spotlight just as much as Capote, and surrounded himself throughout his wildly checkered life with just as many socialites & celebrities. Dunne even threw his own "Black & White Ball" in Hollywood that rivaled Capote's legendary fête at the Plaza. Dunne always claimed he had the idea first. He celebrated its memory in his coffee table book of photographs- The Way We Lived Then (Recollections of a Well-Known Name Dropper). That was part of Dunne's charm. He never tried to exaggerate his importance,
He did noy shy away from controversy. In the TV movie of A Season in Purgatory with Patrick Dempsey in the lead, there is a rather shocking gay sex scene between the narrator & the Dempsey character who killed the young girl at the start of the story. The book is based on the Martha Moxley case which Dunne had helped to reopen & wrote about at length in Vanity Fair.
Even at the end of his life, when the party was winding down, & Dunne knew he was deathly ill, he never lost his sense of humor or his gratitude for his good fortune. He wrote about his mortality in Vanity Fair. He wrote about the depths to which he had fallen, unlike Capote who fought similar demons but who was ultimately undone by them. Life was an endless party to both men. But Dominick Dunne never overstayed his welcome. Today, on what would have been Dunne's 84th birthday, Hollywood friends & reporter pals gathered at the Chateau Marmont to celebrate Dominick Dunne's life.
As I am thinking about Dominick Dunne on the day of his birth, I am reflecting on the similarities between Dominick Dunne & Truman Capote, one of my life long favorite writers. Both wrote about low acts in high society & they both craved celebrity. Capote labeled his later work- the Nonfiction Novel, & Dunne just called his books novels. Capote spent his last years doing very little writing, addicted to drugs & alcohol, appearing incoherent in public & on talk shows. Dunne was on the same track, but later in life he was sober, clear, & productive, but he was in the closet. Dunne probably wanted the literary attention that Capote received in his career, yet he outsold his writer family: brother John Gregory Dunne & sister-in-law Joan Didion. He must have been disappointed that he never entered the pantheon of literature. At the same time, he didn’t seem bitter. He was inside the fish bowl & yet always remained an outsider.
Capote’s society women rejected him after he published the roman e clef- Answered Prayers. Dunne continued to move in the world he wrote about despite an occasional snub. He did have enemies: the Kennedys, the Safras, & most famously- Congressman Condit. Dunne could get careless with facts, as Capote did, but most readers knew he was telling a larger truth; When you get to the top of society, there isn’t all that much there. This is the deeper secret Capote didn’t see.
I recently watched- After the Party in the Sundance Channel, which chronicles Dunne’s life. Listening to him talk, he seemed obviously gay. Earlier in his career, he was a television & film producer, & was the executive producer of the film version of Boys in the Band. Maybe those bitter queens spoke a truth to him that also drove him deeper into the closet. The documentary & his nonfiction writings make it clear that he cared deeply about his children & his former wife. It seems easy to dismiss a man torn like that, it seemed to be the way most people in Hollywood in the 1950s & 1960s handled such matters- “Oh, he just got married to cover up”, But, in a clever move, Dunne used his last novel to come out when his main character/alter ego reveals that he is gay.
His readers can only know a little bit about Dunne & his sexuality. In his interview with George Stephanopolous, Dominick’s son- Griffin Dunne, uses the terms gay & bisexual to describe his father. A few months before his death, Dominick told the London Times: “I am a celibate closeted bisexual.” It seems tragic when somebody has to deceive & experience shame for most of their life. To live in constant deception & shame distorts your life. Yet Capote, who was out of the closet most of his life, was full of self-loathing & in his last years, he led a miserable existence. Dunne, who speaks about his father mistreating him as a child for being a sissy, stayed in the closet his entire adult life. After success in Hollywood, he also became addicted to drugs & alcohol, but then found sobriety in rural Oregon of all places. He lived a life that he was drawn to & repelled by. For both authors, the shame of sexuality, open or not, propelled the men into a furious chase for recognition, celebrity & acceptance.
If society had been accepting of homosexuality, would both writers have never become successful writers? Was being an outsider what that made them?
It is a fitting irony for Dunne, since so much of his literary career was a reflection of a response to, the life of Truman Capote. The similarities are striking: Dunne's most famous novel The Two Mrs. Grenvilles was based on the notorious Woodward murder scandal that Capote had referred to in his novel Answered Prayers. It was the gossip & innuendo in an excerpt from it in Esquire- La Cote Basque, that got Capote shunned by his celibrity friends & started his decline.
Capote was dropped by his adored society women friends, having allegedly stabbed them in the back by exposing their deepest secrets. Capote career was killed. He never finished the novel. But Dominick Dunne, in a way, did. He wrote the The Two Mrs.Grenvilles novel that picked up where Capote left off. Dunne did it with panache, with a story of high society intrigue, sexual obsession, greed & murder. In The Two Mrs. Grenvilles, which was made a rather good TV movie starring Claudette Colbert & Ann Margret, Dunne paid homage to Capote by creating a narrator named Basil Plant who was more than just a little the author of In Cold Blood. Dunne was also similar to that character. He was the man on the outside looking in, absorbing, documenting, & chronicling. He was the secret sharer. The man everyone trusted.
Dunne's parallels to Capote were not just on the literary scene. Dominick Dunne craved the spotlight just as much as Capote, and surrounded himself throughout his wildly checkered life with just as many socialites & celebrities. Dunne even threw his own "Black & White Ball" in Hollywood that rivaled Capote's legendary fête at the Plaza. Dunne always claimed he had the idea first. He celebrated its memory in his coffee table book of photographs- The Way We Lived Then (Recollections of a Well-Known Name Dropper). That was part of Dunne's charm. He never tried to exaggerate his importance,
He did noy shy away from controversy. In the TV movie of A Season in Purgatory with Patrick Dempsey in the lead, there is a rather shocking gay sex scene between the narrator & the Dempsey character who killed the young girl at the start of the story. The book is based on the Martha Moxley case which Dunne had helped to reopen & wrote about at length in Vanity Fair.
Even at the end of his life, when the party was winding down, & Dunne knew he was deathly ill, he never lost his sense of humor or his gratitude for his good fortune. He wrote about his mortality in Vanity Fair. He wrote about the depths to which he had fallen, unlike Capote who fought similar demons but who was ultimately undone by them. Life was an endless party to both men. But Dominick Dunne never overstayed his welcome. Today, on what would have been Dunne's 84th birthday, Hollywood friends & reporter pals gathered at the Chateau Marmont to celebrate Dominick Dunne's life.
Friday night...with mami ;)
Tonight I decided to stay at home and just take it easy. And since my sister is out on a date, it’s only me and mami. ;)
Nevertheless, since my mum has errands to run early tomorrow, she‘ll soon be off to bed…But since I’m a night owl, I think I am going to watch a movie and eat some more candy…a habit that has to stop. Hehe. ^^
Limpando e organizando a geladeira
Eu já falei que entrei em uma fase faxina total e se era para limpar a geladeira, é claro que eu não ia fazer fazer uma limpezinha básica. Então, fui pesquisar e me surpreendi com o que eu achei.
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Limpando e organizando a geladeira
Eu já falei que entrei em uma fase faxina total e se era para limpar a geladeira, é claro que eu não ia fazer fazer uma limpezinha básica. Então, fui pesquisar e me surpreendi com o que eu achei.
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Sabia que sua geladeira esconde perfeitos vilões, dignos de fazer inveja a qualquer personagem maligno de novela? E que silenciosamente eles podem te causar até 250 doenças? Se você sabia, parabéns pra você, porque eu não fazia a mínima ideia!
E, pra evitar a ação destes seres malignos, após horas e horas de muita pesquisa, separei algumas dicas:
- Para limpar a geladeira:
Se você, como eu, mora em uma região quente e possui geladeira semi-automática, deve descongelar sua geladeira a cada 4 dias. Quem mora em regiões mais frias pode fazer isso a cada 7 dias.
Pra começar, desligue a tomada.
A limpeza básica é feita com uma solução de 1 colher (chá) de bicarbonato de sódio para cada litro de água. Molhe o pano na solução e passe em todas as paredes internas da geladeira, nas gavetas, nas prateleiras e no congelador. Enxague bem com pano molhado e depois seque com um paninho seco.
E você jura que eu iria me contentar com isso?
Contra todas as orientações, passei uma bucha nova, do lado amarelo com detergente neutro. Não satisfeita, usei uma escova de dentes macia para escovar cada cantinho. E tenha certeza de que você encontrará mais locais que guardam sujeira do que você jamais possa ter imaginado.
Outra dica é desmontar a geladeira. E não é só tirar grades e gavetas não! procure retirar todas as partes que possam ser desmontadas da sua geladeira. E não esqueça aquela peça que faz o acabamento dos pés, em baixo da porta.
Depois de enxaguar, passei um paninho com uma solução de álcool e água. Mas só na parte interna, pra não danificar a pintura.
Não esqueça de limpar bem a borracha de vedação da porta, com uma solução de 1 litro de água com 2 colheres (sopa) de água sanitária e uma escovinha. Mas, se a borracha estiver danificada, mande trocar o mais rápido possível. Seu bolso agradece.
- Depois de limpa, é hora de organizar os alimentos:
Gaveta superior:
Carnes cruas. Atenção: Nunca lave a carne antes de guardá-la!
Carnes cozidas devem ser mantidas no congelador, envoltos em papel alumínio.
Primeira prateleira: Aqui ficam os alimentos que precisam de maior refrigeração.
Leite e derivados.
Ovos não vão na porta, para evitar a variação térmica, e devem ser lavados antes de guardar, pois pode haver micro-organismos (como a salmonela) na casca.
Catchup, mostarda, maionese e molho inglês também não devem ser colocados na porta da geladeira, pois isso diminui muito a sua validade.
Prateleiras intermediarias: Guloseimas e sobras de alimentos.
Latas podem sofrer contaminação nos supermercados e oxidar, por isso, coloque os enlatados em potes. Molho de tomate é muito perecível e deve ser consumido de uma só vez ou congelado – não deixe restos na geladeira.
Utilize sempre potinhos ou recipientes com tampa. Os potes retangulares ou quadrados podem ser colocados uns em cima dos outros, ocupando menos espaço. Vasilhas de vidro ou inox são mais higiênicas que as de plástico.
Restos só devem ser tampados depois de frios.
O pó de café guardado na geladeira tem seu sabor acentuado.
Gaveta: Frutas e verduras.
Elas devem ser lavadas e armazenadas em saquinhos transparentes para então serem guardadas.
Lave as folhas em água corrente, remova caules e folhas que não serão usadas.
Vinagre: Em temperatura ambiente, ele pode sofrer contaminação de bactérias.
Água vai num recipiente fechado e de vidro.
Cervejas devem ser tomadas de uma só vez.
Conservas, geleias e vidros de azeitona podem ser colocados nas prateleiras da porta.
Não mantenha mais de 5 quilos na porta.
Os alimentos que são comprados congelados devem ser guardados diretamente no freezer e se forem descongelados, não devem voltar para lá.
Os alimentos prontos devem ser consumidos em até 24 horas após o descongelamento.
- E agora, esteja atenta ao tempo que cada produto pode ficar na geladeira! Estes esqueminhas da Revista Superinteressante podem te ajudar.
Se a sua geladeira está precisando de uma geral, separe algumas horas do seu tempo. Eu gastei 6 horas para limpar a minha, mas valeu à pena cada minuto!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Gretchen wins Project Runway
This blog is brought to you by the letters...
Did Gretchen really just win Project Runway? OMG! I have to know...did you guys like her collection?
I didn't at all! I thought it was very bland. Mondo should have won. However, I didn't like those damn head pieces he designed. Maybe if he had canned those his collection wouldn't have looked as costumy(is that a word?) to Michael and Nina. Who knows? I guess they know more about fashion than me. I am just soooo disappointed. This was the best season yet(to me)... until this.
Bob Out
Did Gretchen really just win Project Runway? OMG! I have to know...did you guys like her collection?
I didn't at all! I thought it was very bland. Mondo should have won. However, I didn't like those damn head pieces he designed. Maybe if he had canned those his collection wouldn't have looked as costumy(is that a word?) to Michael and Nina. Who knows? I guess they know more about fashion than me. I am just soooo disappointed. This was the best season yet(to me)... until this.
Bob Out
Born On This Day- October 28th... Edith Claire Posener
“Good clothes are not a matter of good luck."
EDITH HEAD believed modesty was unbecoming & that you should have anything you wanted in life, but you had to be dressed for it. Edith head knew about dressing. The legendary designer saw all the Hollywood greats stripped down to their underwear or less. As the stars gazed upon themselves in the studio wardrobe mirrors, Head was the woman standing behind them, making them look impossibly glamorous while carefully avoiding glamour herself.
Hollywood's most famous & influential costume designer, as well as its most prolific, Head had a career that lasted 6 decades. She designed clothes for 1,131 films , an average of 35 a year, she dressed virtually every star who shimmered on screen in the golden age of movie making. Head was the last costume designer to be under contract to a major studio, Paramount. She was a woman who succeeded in a world, which in her day, was dominated by men.
Head wrote a pair of books: The Dress Doctor & How to Dress for Success, & played herself, giving a fashion show commentary in the 1955 film- Lucy Gallant, starring Charlton Heston & Jane Wyman.
She could be a bit playful with the truth, taking credit for designs she had not created: Audrey Hepburn's little black dress in Sabrina & the Newman/Redford wardrobe for The Sting, for which she won an Oscar. Always discreet about the size & shape of the stars' bodies, she knew about all the skeletons in their closets, but she was never one to gossip.
Head knew about the intimate secrets of Mae West's vast bosom, Gloria Swanson's wide waist & tiny feet (size 2 1/2), & swan necked Audrey Hepburn's broad shoulders. She often boasted that she was a magician: “I accentuated the positive & camouflaged the rest".
Head would make the stars, with all their flaws, look a million dollars, & she influenced the way millions of women dressed too, as a designer for Vogue patterns at a time when home dressmaking was all the rage, although Head could not sew herself.
Her costume designs for films went global. The sarong she fashioned for Dorothy Lamour in the 1936 film The Jungle Princess, Head had her stitched into it, made the actress a star & was copied by every swimwear manufacturer in the US. It is still copied today.
For Elizabeth Taylor in A Place in the Sun (1951), Head accentuated the teenage star's bosom & tiny waist with a strapless, bouffant-skirted white ballgown, scattered with violets. It became the prom dress for American teenagers when it was copied by all the leading department stores. According to Head, Taylor had the most beautiful shoulders in Hollywood, so she created dresses for her to show them off.
Bette Davis: "Edith Head’s life was all about glamour, 60 years of it, in the most glamorous place in the world- Hollywood," Head designed the brown silk, sable trimmed cocktail dress Davis wore as Margo Channing in All About Eve, warning everyone as she swept down the staircase for the big party scene to fasten their seat belts because it was going to be a bumpy night. Davis tried on the finished gown the bodice & neckline were way too big. Head was horrified, but Davis pulled it off her shoulders & shook one shoulder sexily: “Doesn't it look better like this anyway?" Head won one of her 8 Oscars for that film. Davis later bought the dress for herself, because she loved it so much. Head: "There were 8 important men in my life, & they were all named Oscar."
Head was working as a language teacher at the Hollywood School for Girls in 1932 when she bluffed her way into Paramount's wardrobe department. She already had a B.A. from Berkeley & a master's from Stanford, but then went to study art at the Otis Art Institute & the Chouinard School. She was hired by the studio as a sketch artist, although the fashion drawings.
By 1938, she was head designer, working on every prestigious production the studio made, and left only in 1967, when she joined up with Universal. Head spent the remainder of her career here, thanks to her friendship with Alfred Hitchcock, including Tippi Hendren's smart green suit made of textured tweed that would snag easily during an avian attack.
Head's career was not without controversy. After winning her Oscar for The Sting, she was sued by the illustrator who really designed Redford & Newman's clothes. the truth about her design of Audrey Hepburn's little black dress emerged only after her death, when the Paris couturier Hubert de Givenchy quietly admitted that he'd come up with the frock that was copied everywhere & worn by a generation of women; Head had designed all the other costumes in the film.
Head also adored Grace Kelly & was upset when the actress slighted her by not inviting her to design the wedding dress when she got married to Prince Rainier of Monaco. She did create Princess Grace's grey going-away suit, though.
Head: "I regret never having dressed Marilyn Monroe, never designing uniforms for the Chicago Cubs, & being alone. It is much easier being remembered than trying to remember." It was an open secret in Hollywood that Edith Head was a lesbian.
In the Pixar film- The Incredibles, the personality & mannerisms of the film's fictional superhero costume designer- Edna Mode’s sense of style, round glasses, & assertive no-nonsense character are very are a direct homage to Head's legendary accomplishments & personality.
I am so in Junior High School, & I of course think it was fun to write the word- HEAD 24 times.
EDITH HEAD believed modesty was unbecoming & that you should have anything you wanted in life, but you had to be dressed for it. Edith head knew about dressing. The legendary designer saw all the Hollywood greats stripped down to their underwear or less. As the stars gazed upon themselves in the studio wardrobe mirrors, Head was the woman standing behind them, making them look impossibly glamorous while carefully avoiding glamour herself.
Hollywood's most famous & influential costume designer, as well as its most prolific, Head had a career that lasted 6 decades. She designed clothes for 1,131 films , an average of 35 a year, she dressed virtually every star who shimmered on screen in the golden age of movie making. Head was the last costume designer to be under contract to a major studio, Paramount. She was a woman who succeeded in a world, which in her day, was dominated by men.
Head wrote a pair of books: The Dress Doctor & How to Dress for Success, & played herself, giving a fashion show commentary in the 1955 film- Lucy Gallant, starring Charlton Heston & Jane Wyman.
She could be a bit playful with the truth, taking credit for designs she had not created: Audrey Hepburn's little black dress in Sabrina & the Newman/Redford wardrobe for The Sting, for which she won an Oscar. Always discreet about the size & shape of the stars' bodies, she knew about all the skeletons in their closets, but she was never one to gossip.
Head knew about the intimate secrets of Mae West's vast bosom, Gloria Swanson's wide waist & tiny feet (size 2 1/2), & swan necked Audrey Hepburn's broad shoulders. She often boasted that she was a magician: “I accentuated the positive & camouflaged the rest".
Head would make the stars, with all their flaws, look a million dollars, & she influenced the way millions of women dressed too, as a designer for Vogue patterns at a time when home dressmaking was all the rage, although Head could not sew herself.
Her costume designs for films went global. The sarong she fashioned for Dorothy Lamour in the 1936 film The Jungle Princess, Head had her stitched into it, made the actress a star & was copied by every swimwear manufacturer in the US. It is still copied today.
For Elizabeth Taylor in A Place in the Sun (1951), Head accentuated the teenage star's bosom & tiny waist with a strapless, bouffant-skirted white ballgown, scattered with violets. It became the prom dress for American teenagers when it was copied by all the leading department stores. According to Head, Taylor had the most beautiful shoulders in Hollywood, so she created dresses for her to show them off.
Bette Davis: "Edith Head’s life was all about glamour, 60 years of it, in the most glamorous place in the world- Hollywood," Head designed the brown silk, sable trimmed cocktail dress Davis wore as Margo Channing in All About Eve, warning everyone as she swept down the staircase for the big party scene to fasten their seat belts because it was going to be a bumpy night. Davis tried on the finished gown the bodice & neckline were way too big. Head was horrified, but Davis pulled it off her shoulders & shook one shoulder sexily: “Doesn't it look better like this anyway?" Head won one of her 8 Oscars for that film. Davis later bought the dress for herself, because she loved it so much. Head: "There were 8 important men in my life, & they were all named Oscar."
Head was working as a language teacher at the Hollywood School for Girls in 1932 when she bluffed her way into Paramount's wardrobe department. She already had a B.A. from Berkeley & a master's from Stanford, but then went to study art at the Otis Art Institute & the Chouinard School. She was hired by the studio as a sketch artist, although the fashion drawings.
By 1938, she was head designer, working on every prestigious production the studio made, and left only in 1967, when she joined up with Universal. Head spent the remainder of her career here, thanks to her friendship with Alfred Hitchcock, including Tippi Hendren's smart green suit made of textured tweed that would snag easily during an avian attack.
Head's career was not without controversy. After winning her Oscar for The Sting, she was sued by the illustrator who really designed Redford & Newman's clothes. the truth about her design of Audrey Hepburn's little black dress emerged only after her death, when the Paris couturier Hubert de Givenchy quietly admitted that he'd come up with the frock that was copied everywhere & worn by a generation of women; Head had designed all the other costumes in the film.
Head also adored Grace Kelly & was upset when the actress slighted her by not inviting her to design the wedding dress when she got married to Prince Rainier of Monaco. She did create Princess Grace's grey going-away suit, though.
Head: "I regret never having dressed Marilyn Monroe, never designing uniforms for the Chicago Cubs, & being alone. It is much easier being remembered than trying to remember." It was an open secret in Hollywood that Edith Head was a lesbian.
In the Pixar film- The Incredibles, the personality & mannerisms of the film's fictional superhero costume designer- Edna Mode’s sense of style, round glasses, & assertive no-nonsense character are very are a direct homage to Head's legendary accomplishments & personality.
I am so in Junior High School, & I of course think it was fun to write the word- HEAD 24 times.
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