To enlarge for easy reading, click on a page, then click on that page as it appears in the new window and it will blow up to full size. You'll then need to scroll. If you check the web, you MIGHT find it in a PDF file, but this is the best I can do for you.
Quero agradecer todas que participaram! Fiquei muuuiiito feliz em ver tanta gente comentando. E pra você que participou e está aí na torcida, é hora de fazer figas e ver quem ganhou o lindo adesivo da R+:
Quero agradecer todas que participaram! Fiquei muuuiiito feliz em ver tanta gente comentando. E pra você que participou e está aí na torcida, é hora de fazer figas e ver quem ganhou o lindo adesivo da R+:
I had several interviews this week both in person and via telephone. I admit that the most intriguing, likely intentionally ambiguous, question was this one: "So, what is your story?" Innocuous, seemingly simple, but definitely not easy to answer.
My story is indeed very different from the norm. I think... I posted this idea on Facebook and received several witty and spot on comments. Friends are like that, they know things about you and can articulate them so much easier than you can.
Forrest: "Did you tell them you were a choose your own adventure :)"
My response: "Guess that would be better than a paint by numbers coloring book. :-). Maybe I should tell them I'm an iPad running a kindle app. Wonder if the world is ready for a metaphor of such depth."
Dee: "I don't think you should tell them that.... Your story is clearly "The Princess Bride" ... Mysterious man, alone at first, shows prodigious talent and ability to avoid deadly obstacles, converts enemies to friends through the forceful application of intellect, persuasion, faith, and principled logic (with swords and rocks thrown in, when necessary and appropriate).
In seeking your goal, you assemble a dynamic team, allowing you to survive pirates, a torture machine in the pit of despair, a fireswamp, and rodents of unusual size, culminating in victory for your organization, freedom for the princess, and, of course, true love. I want this to be my story too."
My response: "I love you man... In a very manly way of course.. Failure is "inconceivable"
It occurs to me that this last line is a big part of my story. I have always approached the world as though failure is indeed inconceivable. Could that be my story, my secret sauce? I actually believe that each of us is endowed with a unique spark and that we can indeed succeed in just about anything if we are willing to pay the price and put in the time. Maybe it is arrogance, I prefer to call it confidence and trust in a power greater than me.
Perhaps, that is the real story here. What is important to me is my family, my friends, and my community. My job is a means by which I am able to participate in and experience the important things in life. The job isn't the life, but it is an important tool and enabler as well as a channel for building relationships, influencing the world around us, and receiving compensation for our contributions. I have had many jobs in this life so far, and I'm likely to have many more..The lines just aren't so clear between life and job. My sense is that we are wired that way intentionally.
From student, to performer, to husband, to teacher, to minister, to father, to technology guru, to manager, to leader, to conductor, to artist, to writer, to friend, and finally to disciple... I have a lot of stories to tell and they all overlap into a huge, swirling cloud of jeff(lovingly branded "Big Daddy").
I hope to have many opportunities to share both my hope for a future along with the knowledge of the past. It is like this for all of us as we go through each day. Every day is an opportunity.. to write another page, learn something new, and contribute to the world via relationships.
My story is that I know I can make a difference and maybe even "live happily ever after"...
Since the snow has finally melted and I was quite convinced that I would no longer freeze (that much) outside, I decided to bike to school instead of taking the bus as I have done for the last four months. However, my initial idea of biking to school and back home again somehow ended up with me...
- biking to school
- biking to the gym
- biking back to school (after a 40 min workout)
- biking to a place where I could fill my bicycle wheels with air
The third in line of the Tiberium series, C&C 3 Tiberium Wars was released in 2007 by Electronic Arts. By this time Westwood has disappeared and that’s something you can notice throughout the game. This game has one expansion named Kane's Wrath. In the expansion's camapaign you play parallel to the C&C 3 campaign and you get introduced to new 6 splinter factions new units.
C&C 3 starts in the year 2047 where there has been a relative peace between the Global Defense Initiative, or GDI, and the Brotherhood of Nod. During that period of peace Nod has developed itself into a superpower and wants to seize world domination by harnessing the power of Tiberium, while GDI has been working on combating the spread of it and reclaiming land. In C&C 3, the alien substance has spread itself all over the world and has evolved from a plant form to a crystalline form, destroying entire Eco-systems, polluting soil and air and creating devastating ion-storms. The whole world has been classified into 3 zones. Red zones are uninhabitable being totally infested with Tiberium and covers 30% of the planet. Yellow zones house 80% of the worlds population with some Tiberium shooting out of the ground. This zone covers 50% of the Earth. And finally the Blue zones. These are zones where no Tiberium is present. It’s also under the protection of GDI and houses the remaining 20% of the world’s population and covers 20% of the world. The campaign begins when Nod attacks the GDI A-SAT centre at Goddard Space Centre, leaving the GDSS Philadelphia, the orbital command station orbiting the earth, vulnerable for an attack. Immediately after A-SAT went down, Nod launches a nuclear missile towards the station, destroying it and crippling GDI. This is the start of the Third Tiberium War. As the war intensifies another faction enters the battle, the Scrin. The appearance of the new faction totally alters the nature of the war. When these aliens arrive they immediately start spreading throughout the Red zones and attacking all major cities. The attacks are used as a distraction to keep Nod and GDI at bay while they build huge towers. Nearing the end of the campaign, GDI has managed to destroy all towers but one in the Italy Red zone. Before GDI has got the chance to destroy it and the Scrin Control Node, the Scrin finish the construction making it invulnerable to all weapons but is also rendered completely inert due to the destruction of the control node.
Between missions, you usually get a short cut-scene giving you a briefing or a headsup on the situation. And to be honest, they really aren't that bad, but then again they really don't add anything to the game. When you play the game for the first time, you can only chose between Nod and GDI campaign. But when you completed both campaigns, the Scrin campaign becomes available.
All units in C&C 3 are different with only a few units left that are really recognizable from the previous Tiberium game. I'll take Nod's attack bike and GDI's orca as an example, they have been given a new model but are almost similar to their predecessors. But the rest is virtually build from scratch but again with some help of Tiberium Sun, but that accounts for GDI and Nod. For the Scrin EA had to use it's imagination. The result? A faction with an organic look. My first impression was wow, this game does look pretty good. But looks can be deceiving. I noticed with the arriral of the Scrin that the balance of the game goes way of the chart. The Scrin is simply said too overpowered. One example is the Devastator Warship has an enormous range, exceeding that of your defenses and all of your units. One ship alone can devastate your entire base. So that is one of my major complaints, the lack of balance.
Harvesting and base construction hasn't changed a lot in Tiberium Wars but you have been given some new toys to build your base with. You can build a crane that acts as a second construction yard allowing you to deploy multiple buildings in a shorter amount of time. Another toy is a unit that can deploy one time anywhere in the field and creating an area where you can build structures. The defensive structures in C&C 3 are pretty weak when you compare them to the vehicles and infantry. They are easily overrun or destroyed without doing a lot of damage when you rush you enemies base. Only the advanced defensive structures stand a chance and they cost a fortune to build. And the funny part is that they are just as easy to destroy, it's good that they do a larger amount of damage.
C&C 3 also comes with the feature of off-map support powers. Every faction has next to common support powers, their own set of unique ones. Nod, for example, has the Tiberium vapor bomb, that when detonated, creates a big explosion. I find these powers pretty useful, but the downside is that they all cost money making them less attractive to use.
The maps and terrain in C&C3 have been designed well. Some civilian buildings have a futuristic look while others look like apartment blocks found these days. Sometimes you can find some buildings that you can capture. Think of Tiberium Spires that convert Tibirium into credits that can give you a steady income of credits and EMP centres that can cripple your enemy for some time.
One last thing. With the launch of C&C 3, EA tried to market RTS as a sport by recording matches and discussing them in a show you can view on EA's website. What's the name of the show you? It's called Battlecast.
I actually enjoyed playing this game, though I had some moments where I shouted at my monitor out of pure anger. But still a game worth playing, but it could've been better.
I am single so I rarely take the time to make a nice dinner. Tonight my friend Bunny came over for an American Idol viewing party. She also had to introduce me to my new goddawg, Charlie. Yep, I'm a godfather. Here is the little buddy taking a nap after dinner...
Cute, huh?
For dinner I made roasted chicken breast, brussel sprouts with pancetta & acorn squash.
This is the first time I have ever made acorn squash but it will not be the last! It was DELICIOUS!
I cut the squash in half, then turn it cut side down into a baking dish. Pour one inch of water into the pan. Then bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Then drain the water and turn the squash cut side up and bake for an additional 30 minutes. I served it with a tablespoon of brown sugar butter.
To make the butter I just used 1/2 stick of softened butter, 1 tlbs of brown sugar, 1 tlbs honey & a pinch of cinnamon & nutmeg.Mmmmmm!
I'm sure you have all heard but in case you haven't, Ricky Martin came out of the closet yesterday...
Ricky, call me! I'll be a great mama to your kids :)
Tonight I will once again be watching American Idol but I'm not sure how much longer. Is anyone watching it out there? Gosh, I just think this season is sooooo boring. My friend, Bunny is coming over to watch it with me. She is bringing Brusters ice cream and I am making dinner and drinks. I am serving roasted chicken breast, brussel sprouts with pancetta & acorn squash. I'm also going to make Ina Garten's whisky sours again. I am sooooo addicted to those things...YUMMY!
The full version of the new Christina Aguilera song, "Not myself tonight", premieres today. Check out her website tonight at 6pm to listen to it. I can't wait to hear it.
I've got mail...
Look, I received the artwork I won from Dean @ Exploding Doughnut. I had it framed this week and just picked it up last night.
I'm trying to break the Monday blahs with a laugh or two. Here are some jokes and a video that always does it for me...
Mary Jane
Mary Jane was walking on the beach one day and saw a shark swimming around a man. The man was screaming, "Help me! Help me!"
And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew the shark was never going to help that man! ******************************************************** Mary Jane was walking through the forest, and a squirrel ran up her skirt. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew there weren't any nuts up there. ****************************************************** Mary Jane was walking down the street when a man pulled her into a dark alley and started ripping off all her clothes. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew her clothes wouldn't fit him. ***************************************************** Mary Jane was at the movies with her boyfriend. He put his hand up her skirt. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew her money was in her shoe. ***************************************************** Mary Jane pushed her brother into the pool. Her mother said, "You know your brother can't swim!" And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew there wasn't any water in that pool. ***************************************************** Mary Jane was playing on the swings one day, swinging higher and higher. Her mother came out and said, "Mary Jane, don't you swing too high, the boys will see your underwear." And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew she wasn't wearing any underwear. ****************************************************** Mary Jane was walking downtown and saw a sign in a fabric store that said "Felt, 10 cents." And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew where she could get felt for free. ****************************************************** Mary Jane burnt down the barn one day, and her mother said "Mary Jane! You're in big trouble when your father gets home!" And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew her father was in that barn. ***************************************************** Mary Jane was crossing the street with her mother. As her mother stooped to pick up a quarter, she was hit by a bus. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew it was only a nickel. ******************************************************* Mary Jane went to the doctor because she hadn't been feeling too well. The doctor told her that she was pregnant with twins. And Mary Jane just laughed and laughed, because she knew she only did it once. ******************************************************** Mary Jane had forgotten to do her chores one day and was sitting in her room reading a book. Her father came storming up the stairs and threw open her room door and ripped the book out of her hand and threw it across the room…. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew what page she was on. ************************************************** Mary Jane was walking through a cow pasture when she came upon a big, fresh pile of cow manure. On top of this steaming pile of manure was a tiny fly. And Mary Jane laughed and laughed, because she knew a fly couldn't have made all of that. ******************************************************* Mary Jane went to the drive-in movies with her boyfriend. She was looking really fine, so he says, "Hey Mary Jane, do you want to sit in the back seat?". Mary Jane looked at the back seat, then back at her boyfriend. And Mary Jane just laughed and laughed because she knew she wanted to sit up front with him. **************************************************** Mary Jane was asleep in bed one night. A strange man came into her room, took off his clothes, and got in bed with her. And Mary Jane just laughed and laughed, because she knew she had the only pillow.
And now the video...
Hehe, I feel better already! Happy Monday! Bob Out
-Casamento da Lu chegando e eu com o enxoval dela sem terminar (e morrendo pra dar conta).
- Aniversário de 80 anos da minha tia avó no sábado e eu não sei o que dar. Afinal, o que dar a uma mulher de 80 anos, com espírito de 40, plenamente ativa, que seja algo que ela use, que não a chame de velha (ex: chinelinho de quarto, arg!).
- Como resumi meus dias no enxoval da Lu meus armários estão um caos! Tudo bem, eu tenho secretária e a casa tá limpinha, mas tem coisas que só a gente...
- Marido reclama falta de atenção... Filho faz tudo pra chamar atenção...
- Percebi que a escola anterior de filho mais novo era mais fraca do que eu pensava e as notas altas dele não valem nada! Brincadeira agora é jogo de estados e capitais, países e capitais, continentes, oceanos, etc. E ele reclama... e eu insisto, mas é chato...
- Calças largas e caindo. (Tá essa é uma coisa boa)
- Ainda não comprei ovos de Páscoa para os meninos.
- Fiz um salmão com molho de alcaparras ontem e escutei: "Mãe, eu não quero essas pelotinhas não, elas são muito ruins!" Mas que comeram o salmão todo, isso comeram...
- Meu shampoo Payot acabou e aqui não tem pra comprar mais.
- O marceneiro está atrasando minhas mesas.
- O pc extra do escritório deu problema.
Isso tudo e detlhe, eu nem tenho TPM pra por a culpa na bendita! Então, se eu não pirar até amanhã, arranjo um post mais agradável. Beijos
-Casamento da Lu chegando e eu com o enxoval dela sem terminar (e morrendo pra dar conta).
- Aniversário de 80 anos da minha tia avó no sábado e eu não sei o que dar. Afinal, o que dar a uma mulher de 80 anos, com espírito de 40, plenamente ativa, que seja algo que ela use, que não a chame de velha (ex: chinelinho de quarto, arg!).
- Como resumi meus dias no enxoval da Lu meus armários estão um caos! Tudo bem, eu tenho secretária e a casa tá limpinha, mas tem coisas que só a gente...
- Marido reclama falta de atenção... Filho faz tudo pra chamar atenção...
- Percebi que a escola anterior de filho mais novo era mais fraca do que eu pensava e as notas altas dele não valem nada! Brincadeira agora é jogo de estados e capitais, países e capitais, continentes, oceanos, etc. E ele reclama... e eu insisto, mas é chato...
- Calças largas e caindo. (Tá essa é uma coisa boa)
- Ainda não comprei ovos de Páscoa para os meninos.
- Fiz um salmão com molho de alcaparras ontem e escutei: "Mãe, eu não quero essas pelotinhas não, elas são muito ruins!" Mas que comeram o salmão todo, isso comeram...
- Meu shampoo Payot acabou e aqui não tem pra comprar mais.
- O marceneiro está atrasando minhas mesas.
- O pc extra do escritório deu problema.
Isso tudo e detlhe, eu nem tenho TPM pra por a culpa na bendita! Então, se eu não pirar até amanhã, arranjo um post mais agradável. Beijos
I don't really have anything to say tonight, so I thought I'd share a song with you insted. Good idea, huh? ^^ A song says more than a thousand words. (Literally.)
Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 is the first expansion pack to the original Grand Theft Auto. GTA: London 1969 was released in April 1999 for the PC and PlayStation. It offered 32 new missions, as well as a total of 30 new vehicles, relative to the time period.
The game is very similar to the original Grand Theft Auto because it uses the same game engine and is presented in the same format of missions, sections and cutscenes. Another expansion pack, Grand Theft Auto: London 1961, was later released solely for the PC version and offered as free download from Rockstar. It requires GTA London 1969, which in turn requires GTA 1. Since London 1969 and London 1961 are almost the same games I'll only review London 1969.
As the name implies, the game takes place in London in the year 1969. You once again enter the role of a criminal looking to work his or her way up the career ladder of organized crime. The temporal setting has been exploited through a number of cultural and historical references, including the appearance of a James Bond-like character. In addition, the cars drive on the left side of the road, as is the case in Britain. I really had a hard time getting used to that, as you can see in the video.
In this game you can also name your character, just like in GTA 1. In GTA: London 1969 you work for a crime syndicate called 'The Crisp Twins', which is a parody to 'The Kray Twins', who were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in London's East End during the 50's and 60's.
Just like Grand Theft Auto, this game has similar bonuses. For example, when running over a group of people with a car without braking. When successful you'll get the message: 'Keep London Tidy' and a cash bonus.
What I really liked about this game are the dialogs of the characters. When driving through London you hear things like: 'Oi, stop right there!' or 'filthy hippie!' and other hilarious lines. I even fail in my missions on purpose, just to hear the line 'Mission Failed' another time.
Speaking of the missions, some of them are hilarious too. There is one mission where you have to destroy a bus that belongs to the opposing soccer-team. Afterwards you have to pick up their best players and kill them, so that the team your mob supports can win the match.
Because the same engine was used as in GTA, the graphics look only slightly different, but still well done. When playing this game you sometimes hear the same background voices as in the original game. The cars also have the same sounds as the original game.
Still, this game is fun to play and when you liked the original you'll definitely like this expansion pack too, because of the hilarious moments and funny dialogs.
Recorded in her home studio, "Bionic" features "electronic and organic elements with subject matter ranging from playful to introspective." The album features collaborations with Sia, Le Tigre, Christopher "Tricky" Stewart, Hill & Switch and Ladytron, and a ballad entitled "Lift Me Up" written by Linda Perry. "Bionic" will be released June 8th. A short clip of her first single from the album, "Not myself tonight" can be heard on her website today. Click here to listen to it. The full single will be released on March 30th.
I have nothing against wax dolls; especially not the ones at Madame Tussauds where the wax celebs are scarily alike the real person. Nevertheless, I must say that they have completely managed to destroy the hottie Robert Pattinson by turning him into one! Besides the hair, he doesn’t look like our favorite vampire at all. - He’s too skinny, his neck is too long, and he looks…old! ^^
Olá meninas, A Nathalia, do Um sonho de Casa esta fazendo promoção: E eu, que não sou boba nada, tô participando. O prêmio é surpresa, mas como tudo da Nat é fofíssimo, já estou torcendo pra ganhar.
Lembrando que ainda tem promoção por aqui também. Quer ganhar um adesivo? Então clica aqui.
Olá meninas, A Nathalia, do Um sonho de Casa esta fazendo promoção: E eu, que não sou boba nada, tô participando. O prêmio é surpresa, mas como tudo da Nat é fofíssimo, já estou torcendo pra ganhar.
Lembrando que ainda tem promoção por aqui também. Quer ganhar um adesivo? Então clica aqui.
Why do we we still see the "attack op/eds" in the NY Times? Because they sell papers... no other reason.. When are we all going to wake up and realize that we must find a middle ground and protect freedoms without ridiculing and self righteous arrogance.
Absence of class is not the sole domain of the republicans. The examples called out here are shameful but not unique to a single ideology or party. Unfortunately, I fear that articles like this contribute more to the problem than the solution.
Tolerance and civility, along with diversity of perspective seem to be lost on fundamentalists of all flavors.
Freedom in speech is messy, particularly in this age of mass communications, but it beats the alternative by a long shot.
I should really start working on my IOP (Individual Oral Presentation) in Swedish that I have for next Tuesday (which I haven't even begun with yet!), but I have no motivation at this moment whatsoever. All I can think about is getting on a plane and go someplace I've never been to, someplace with beautiful white beaches and a totally different culture...someplace like Greece.
I can't believe there are paradises like this in Europe. ^^ Or maybe it's more like: I don't want to believe there are. Because I'm still here in Sweden where the sun barely shines, and when it does, the wind catches you like a huge tornado... -.- So by thinking that places like this only exist far, far away (and not relatively close to Sweden), I won't get as bummed over the fact that I don't live in a place like that. See what I mean?
I wonder why dreaming of escaping the reality is sometimes so much funnier than being in it?