Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A piece of cake
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Já esse abrido de latas eu namorava há muuuuiiiiiito tempo. Primeiro foi minha irmã quem trouxe um pra minha mãe. Eu adorei, mas não encontrava um pra comprar, nem minha irmã encontrou quando quis comprar pra casa dela. Esse pequeno objeto já estava se tornando um sonho de consumo impossível! Esta semana eu entrei em uma lojinha para ver umas novidades pra cozinha e não é que vejo o abridor! Meu sonho de consumo foi realizado!
Já esse abrido de latas eu namorava há muuuuiiiiiito tempo. Primeiro foi minha irmã quem trouxe um pra minha mãe. Eu adorei, mas não encontrava um pra comprar, nem minha irmã encontrou quando quis comprar pra casa dela. Esse pequeno objeto já estava se tornando um sonho de consumo impossível! Esta semana eu entrei em uma lojinha para ver umas novidades pra cozinha e não é que vejo o abridor! Meu sonho de consumo foi realizado!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Yummi in the tummy xD



Thursday, March 26, 2009
Soon no longer an orphan
So, this was two weeks as an orphan then. This was how it felt and this was how it went. Yesterday before going to sleep, I thought about is I've actually learned something by not having mum present at all; it was really difficult to come up with something but then it struck me! I've been cooking on my own for the for the first time (since Vicki refused to make my dinner, when I have to hands and genes for making fabulous food -.-) and I must say that I did pretty awesome. Stuvade makaroner (stewed macaroni) and Maggi mee (instant noodles) with an egg in it, seems like pretty easy things to do but I am sooo proud of being able to now make them myself. However, I am not that confident to invite anyone over for a dinner party with Menu á la Sandra yet...
Monday, March 23, 2009
It said "SWOOOSH"!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Holy Cow, the Holy Spirit smacked me today.
It is time to remember who is calling me, stand up and act with power, humility and authority all wrapped in to one single package of simple service and action. We must trust in the Lord, maintaining our perspective, seeing the opportunities laid out before us, and then acting with our "full armor" on.
"The opposite of faith isn't doubt, IT IS FEAR." said Scott
Vulnerability of Victory (commentary on 1 Kings 19)
Following excerpted from article above by By: J. Hampton Keathley, III , Th.M.
.... Examples like Elijah in 1 Kings 19 stand as warnings or danger signals, not as excuses for failure. In the lessons that follow, we will look at the failures of Elijah and how the Lord lifted him up, put him back on his feet, and back into ministry.
The all important ingredient is focus and an attitude of trust in the Lord. The following is one of the best illustrations I know of the importance of keeping a focused and right attitude:
The colorful, nineteenth-century showman and gifted violinist Nicolo Paganini was standing before a packed house, playing through a difficult piece of music. A full orchestra surrounded him with magnificent support. Suddenly one string on his violin snapped and hung gloriously down from his instrument. Beads of perspiration popped out on his forehead. He frowned but continued to play, improvising beautifully.
To the conductor’s surprise, a second string broke. And shortly thereafter, a third. Now there were three limp strings dangling from Paganini’s violin as the master performer completed the difficult composition on the one remaining string. The audience jumped to its feet and in good Italian fashion, filled the hall with shouts and screams, “Bravo! Bravo!” As the applause died down, the violinist asked the people to sit back down. Even though they knew there was no way they could expect an encore, they quietly sank back into their seats.
He held the violin high for everyone to see. He nodded at the conductor to begin the encore and then he turned back to the crowd, and with a twinkle in his eye, he smiled and shouted, “Paganini . . . and one string!” After that he placed the single-stringed Stradivarius beneath his chin and played the final piece on one string as the audience (and the conductor) shook their heads in silent amazement. “Paganini . . . and one string!”27 (And, I might add, an attitude of fortitude.)
Swindoll goes on to say:
This may shock you, but I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-do-day basis is my choice of attitude . . . Attitude is that “single string” that keeps me going or cripples my progress . . . When my attitudes are right, there’s no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.
Yet, we must admit that we spend more of our time concentrating and fretting over the strings that snap, dangle, and pop--the things that can’t be changed--than we do giving attention to the one that remains, our choice of attitude.
For the Christian, however, we are not talking about just a positive attitude. We are talking about an attitude that comes from a heart focused on God and that trusts in Him.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Melon-Peach was born

Friday, March 20, 2009
Pesquisa diz que homens preferem mulheres com curvas e não se importam com celulite
Meninas, fim do stress! Agora é fato: os homens preferem curvas e não ligam pra celulite, nem pra barriguinha! E mais, não gostam de ver músculos, querem mulheres mais naturais! Duvidam? É só conferir a pesquisa publicada pelo Yahoo! Então pra que ficar preocupada com dieta ou ginástica? De acordo com a pesquisa basta um salto alto, uma bela lingerie, e muita naturalidade!
Pesquisa diz que homens preferem mulheres com curvas e não se importam com celulite
Meninas, fim do stress! Agora é fato: os homens preferem curvas e não ligam pra celulite, nem pra barriguinha! E mais, não gostam de ver músculos, querem mulheres mais naturais! Duvidam? É só conferir a pesquisa publicada pelo Yahoo! Então pra que ficar preocupada com dieta ou ginástica? De acordo com a pesquisa basta um salto alto, uma bela lingerie, e muita naturalidade!
Today I am Superwoman
Perspective CARITAS
This week I was privileged to participate in CARITAS (Churches Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter) and after spending the night with them Monday night followed by dinner each following evening, I was blessed with a fresh perspective. Most of these folks are headed out to jobs and live with uncertaintly every day. They have made a series of poor decisions which in aggregate pushed them past the tipping point into a crisis condition requiring help. I was proud to be able to help them and I have made some new friends in Sarah, Fontella, Margee, Tracy, and Jamie. It is doubtful, that I will see them again in the future after tonight, but they have left an indelible mark on my perspective.
Each of us needs to maintain perspective in our families, jobs and lives overall. Our success is dependant on our judgement and consistency of our decisions. It is the hundreds of small ones that matter, rather than the occasional "famous" ones. We all make mistakes and should be accepting of others' mistakes up to a point.
I often use the term that I am extremely nice right up to the point where I am not. I think that applies for us in life and in our jobs. We need to seek the friendly perspective but we must ultimately be accountable for our results and sometimes be "not so nice" to ourselves. We are paid to get the job done either as performers or managers and we are empowered to make a difference if we choose to do so. We must throw of the victim mentality and embrace the problem solving approach. one task, one hour, one day at a time...
Trust me, "problems are like laundry," to quote a new friend..." there will always be more of it/them."
We must recognize narrow thinking, and an onslaught of negative messaging and guard against it. We must seek a proactive enabling perspective in our methods, principles and this will ultimately translate into results. If we take the time to care about our colleagues it does make a difference. Caring is about actions though, not just talking or thought.
What have you done lately as a random act of kindness? When did you cut someone some slack just because it felt right? Are you maintaining perspective in your approach to your staff, your family, your friends?
There is no right answer to this sort of thought process, and it is healthy to maintain that perspective even as you read.
Y3 Mother's Day cards.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dream déjà vu
Mr. Cute and I are talking, while standing under a door-frame. All the sudden, we stop and just have this intense moment of exchanging looks before leaning forward for a quick and unharmful kiss. Then we look at each other and I remember feeling nothing. I shake my head and he says "no". I say that it was a mistake and after that we slowly disappear in a slowmotion scene.
All I keep telling myself is that this is the second sign to stop imaginating! It was doomed from the beginning and teh first dream indicated that pretty clearly, but obviously I'm not good at listening to things I don't want to hear. So now, I receive this second sign telling me that I have to get real. We don't suit each other at all. Looks is not what makes things work. So, I will get real...but it's just so damn hard when he's so freaking gorgeous! :P
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Secret Porn
As far as pornography stashes go, it wasn't a big one. Maybe a dozen DVDs, no magazines. But the DVDs themselves... suffice to say that sample titles included CumDripperz and Meat Holes. The back covers variously promised "the best ass-pounding anal-action!", "rim-jobs!", "chicks choking on huge dicks!" and more.
A thousand questions began to formulate in my mind. Where had he gotten these? When had he been watching them? How could he have been aroused by such degrading images and misogynistic titles? I was weakly outraged - too shocked and hurt to really process the reality that the man I had married had apparently been jerking-off in secret to images of women being pounded and choked to within an inch of their ability to breathe.
Several days later, when he called about having his things shipped, I coldly intoned that I had found The Stash. Trying to keep my voice level, I asked if he had any explanation for why he had brought such hateful material into my house.
"Well, yeah," he laughed in high merriment. "I'm a bloke!"
Ah yes, that old chestnut. Men are men, and women are women, and never the twain shall meet. My distaste at his conduct was to be laughed off - a woman couldn't understand the kinds of sexual frustration that men apparently endure, or his means of addressing them. She has no right to judge a man's sexual tastes, even if she is having sex with him.
A lot of things fell into place. I remembered how Ex-Husband had degraded me as a "stupid c---", how he had sometimes been violent towards me and destructive of our possessions. I remembered how he revered his alcoholic, absent father, but consistently denigrated his mother, who had raised him on her own. I remember doing most or all of the housework, even when he was unemployed (which was often). But somehow, the porn hurt worst of all.
Ex-husband had given himself a carte blanche to watch women in a situation which was at best degrading, and at worst bordering upon violent, without the need to question his motives.
In the years since that day, I have increasingly wondered how many men feel a similar way. I am lucky enough to have found a Clever Partner who largely finds pornography to be unsettling rather than arousing, and to have friends who share my viewpoint that watching misogynistic pornography (as opposed to "couples porn") is a sign of bad taste, under-developed sexuality and latent or overt disrespect towards women. However, other friends claim that films like Meat Holes are a bit of a laugh, and that men can watch them without taking on negative attitudes about women. Women, they claim, will have to learn to take it less seriously and accept that their partners will watch it.
I, for one, won't be accepting that. I find it very difficult to believe that a man could simultaneously enjoy a film depicting female orifices as Cum-Dripping Meat Holes and respect me as a sexual partner.
Is it a man's right to watch porn?
Is it a woman's right to be angry if he does?
Does watching pornography imply a man's disrespect for women?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Value of promises

I watched Glenn Beck's show on unity, and belonging last night. Read more about the project here. I felt a lot of things including, admiration, trepidation, cynicism, and even down right worry. I believe that his intentions were to remind us, his viewers, of the importance of community and that we are indeed powerful if we choose to be.
He succeeded in many moments but not all... I was turned off at the showmanship of some of his selections. I believe that many if not most of the shed tears were real. I pray that his intentions go far beyond his show and its ratings.
The stories were powerful and the invocation of the memories of 9.11 was an influential choice. I hope that the population of our United States will indeed remember the feelings of 9.12 and the days that followed.. More importantly, I hope that we will look deeply into our actions and rely on the principles that Mr Beck is so capably reintroducing to us all.
We can choose to help one another and devote ourselves to service. We should do so. We are responsible for ourselves and we can make a difference.
9 Principles
1. America Is Good.
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the external rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is know. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson
Friday, March 13, 2009
Meninas, voltei! Essa semana estava correndo contra o tempo e super-ansiosa! É que esse ano resolvi tomar vergonha na cara e aprender a dirigir. E no fim de mundo onde me escondo na cidade onde moro (terra do marido) não tem auto-escola... Então eu me levantava todos os dias e viajava 55km (pra minha terra), tomava café-da-manhã na casa da mamãe (parte boa da história), fazia minhas duas aulas consecutivas, esperava a hora de vir embora (vou sempre de táxi, dividindo com outras pessoas, aí tenho que esperar todos ficarem prontos), mais 55km, chegava em casa em torno de 2 da tarde, comia alguma coisa, e já ia trabalhar. Foi assim o mês de fevereiro todo e a semana passada. Mas aí, eu, motorista confiante, resolvi marcar meu exame justamente na semana de entregar a documentação para o contador! Resultado: tensão da banca, tensão do trabalho atrasado!
Ontem, quinta-feira, dia do exame! Levanto mais cedo que o normal, depois de uma noite mal dormida, e viajo meus 55km. Chego em cima da hora, tomo café no bar em frente ao local do exame e começo a esperar. Esperar das 8:00 às 11:30. Nesse meio tempo, fui conversando com outros motoristas, tão seguros quanto eu, e observando os examinadores e o resultado de cada um. Aí eu vejo um, com uma cara de mala, óculos escuros, e observo que ele não aprovava ninguém! Minha vez. Entro no carro, vem o examinador. Quem era? O mascarado de óculos escuros! Nada de pânico, vim buscar minha carteira e vou levar. Auto-controle é tudo! Acalmei. Dei um bom dia sorridente, e vamos lá! O fdp examinador entra e me fala em tom intimidador: "Mostre-me habilidade com o carro e conhecimento das normas de circulação de trânsito." Saí, fui seguindo as orientações, aí ele me manda fazer um controle de embreagem. Trinta segundos com o carro parado, antes que eu bobeasse e o carro apagasse, eu pisei no freio, e olhei firme pra ele. "Siga em frente." Aí o desgraçado examinador me manda fazer uma baliza onde quase não cabia o carro, daquelas que a gente faz com a embreagem. Cada movimento que o carro fazia, o cachorro desgraçado fdp examinador se jogava para frente e para trás, como numa freada brusca a 100km por hora. Não é exagero não, o cinto travava ele pra frente, e ele balançava o banco na volta. Na terceira vez que ele fez isso eu pensei "ele vai me reprovar dizendo que eu soco muito o carro". Foi conta, o carro morreu. Agora é recomeçar as aulas e voltar daqui a 21 dias, torcendo pra que não entre o mesmo cachorro desgraçado fdp mascarado examinador no carro.
Detalhe: Ninguém passou com esse examinador. Os outros examinadores quase não reprovaram ninguém. Ele gastou 10 min pra me reprovar, e nos 13 min seguintes reprovou mais 2.
Espero que me desculpem, não gosto de xingar, nem falar palavrão, mas esse cara me tirou do sério!
Meninas, voltei! Essa semana estava correndo contra o tempo e super-ansiosa! É que esse ano resolvi tomar vergonha na cara e aprender a dirigir. E no fim de mundo onde me escondo na cidade onde moro (terra do marido) não tem auto-escola... Então eu me levantava todos os dias e viajava 55km (pra minha terra), tomava café-da-manhã na casa da mamãe (parte boa da história), fazia minhas duas aulas consecutivas, esperava a hora de vir embora (vou sempre de táxi, dividindo com outras pessoas, aí tenho que esperar todos ficarem prontos), mais 55km, chegava em casa em torno de 2 da tarde, comia alguma coisa, e já ia trabalhar. Foi assim o mês de fevereiro todo e a semana passada. Mas aí, eu, motorista confiante, resolvi marcar meu exame justamente na semana de entregar a documentação para o contador! Resultado: tensão da banca, tensão do trabalho atrasado!
Ontem, quinta-feira, dia do exame! Levanto mais cedo que o normal, depois de uma noite mal dormida, e viajo meus 55km. Chego em cima da hora, tomo café no bar em frente ao local do exame e começo a esperar. Esperar das 8:00 às 11:30. Nesse meio tempo, fui conversando com outros motoristas, tão seguros quanto eu, e observando os examinadores e o resultado de cada um. Aí eu vejo um, com uma cara de mala, óculos escuros, e observo que ele não aprovava ninguém! Minha vez. Entro no carro, vem o examinador. Quem era? O mascarado de óculos escuros! Nada de pânico, vim buscar minha carteira e vou levar. Auto-controle é tudo! Acalmei. Dei um bom dia sorridente, e vamos lá! O fdp examinador entra e me fala em tom intimidador: "Mostre-me habilidade com o carro e conhecimento das normas de circulação de trânsito." Saí, fui seguindo as orientações, aí ele me manda fazer um controle de embreagem. Trinta segundos com o carro parado, antes que eu bobeasse e o carro apagasse, eu pisei no freio, e olhei firme pra ele. "Siga em frente." Aí o desgraçado examinador me manda fazer uma baliza onde quase não cabia o carro, daquelas que a gente faz com a embreagem. Cada movimento que o carro fazia, o cachorro desgraçado fdp examinador se jogava para frente e para trás, como numa freada brusca a 100km por hora. Não é exagero não, o cinto travava ele pra frente, e ele balançava o banco na volta. Na terceira vez que ele fez isso eu pensei "ele vai me reprovar dizendo que eu soco muito o carro". Foi conta, o carro morreu. Agora é recomeçar as aulas e voltar daqui a 21 dias, torcendo pra que não entre o mesmo cachorro desgraçado fdp mascarado examinador no carro.
Detalhe: Ninguém passou com esse examinador. Os outros examinadores quase não reprovaram ninguém. Ele gastou 10 min pra me reprovar, e nos 13 min seguintes reprovou mais 2.
Espero que me desculpem, não gosto de xingar, nem falar palavrão, mas esse cara me tirou do sério!
Miss my M.
Y3G have been busy!
, -ing and -ham (Luton, Chessington and Birmingham) as well as many others. We also noticed that there is one single Anglo Saxon wooden church still in existence, (all the others have long since rotted away) and it stand in a little town called Ongar which is only 11 miles away from Hainault. Our teacher Mr. G knows Ongar very well since he lived there for five years.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Goodbye mum
.jpg)
rusty, rusty picture from my oldest cousin's wedding fall 2005
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Should men get a say in abortion law?
Cue the flood of letters to the Sydney Morning Herald. Most were supportive of the leglislation change, but then we have the predictable response from one Kevin Hogan, who opined that it was: "a betrayal of all women... (the government is) forcing these poor people into Western-funded abortion clinics rather than addressing the real issues."
My immediate reaction to this statement was one of annoyance at a man who considered himself a commentator on the needs of women. Ignoring the fact that nobody is forcing abortions on these women (there has been a long-standing need and desire for family planning services in the regions in question), and that the "real issues" are overpopulation, poverty, lack of effective contraception and lack of female autonomy over reproduction, I wondered how appropriate it is for a man to weigh into this debate at all.
A close male friend of mine consistently refuses to participate in these arguments. He once told me that he didn't think men should. "It's not up to us," he said. "No man will ever have to have an abortion, so they shouldn't be making the laws for women who will. It's up to women to decide." Unknowingly, he echoed the words of a Planned Parenthood advertisement, which reads that "Seventy-seven percent of anti-abortion leaders are male. One hundred percent of them will never be pregnant."
It's a fraught issue. Yes, men won't have to undergo it personally, but as abortion is a public health matter, it can be argued that men shouldn't be excluded from the public debate where standards are set. And, there's no indication that women are more likely than men to bring reasoned debate to the table when it comes to abortion - some of the most vociferous emotional blackmail thrown around actually comes from women, vis a vis Nancy Reagan's public statement that "if you have an abortion, you are committing murder". However, there is something inherently and undeniably distasteful about men attempting to morally dictate to women who are walking in shoes that the men will never wear.
I have to admit, however, that there's an element here of hypocrisy. I am only too happy to hear male politicians and commentators expouse their pro-choice views. It's only when they take the anti-abortion stance that I get angry at men weighing into a domain that does not concern them. Perhaps it comes down to the element of judgment present. Men who support legal abortion are not condemning women for their reproductive choices, whereas the so-called "pro-life" lobby are doing just that.
To what extent should men have a say in abortion law?
Is it fair for men to condemn women who undergo abortions?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Reread ;)
Anyhow, I've read this book before but I did not pay attention to this particular line back then. So, my advice to everyone out there is to reread books you've already read because you might have missed something that actually can have a big influence on your own life. Last year, one of my teacher (Ric Sims) said that "books you can read over and over again, because you change with time and therefore the book changes with you". I have to say, that I kind of get that now.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mais um selinho!!!

Mais um selinho!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009
O que um pedacinho de papel não faz...

O que um pedacinho de papel não faz...

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Inspiração e execução
A inspiração:

E a execução:

Inspiração e execução
A inspiração:

E a execução:

One of those messy weeks
Mummy wanted to go. I wanted to go. A Wednesday night. Mum is probably not here. I can probably not go if my weeks keep looking like the ones ahead. - Houston. We got a problem.
Oh, and for the record. I am officially a hot brunette again! :)